Home / Shows / DeSantis Cant Beat Trump, GOP Alternates Youngkin and Kemp

DeSantis Cant Beat Trump, GOP Alternates Youngkin and Kemp

  • 40% of Brown Uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents say they are LGBT, sug­gest­ing social con­ta­gion.
  • DeSan­tis cant com­pete with Trump hand­ing out bliz­zards. We have the Trump alter­na­tives now. VA Gov Youngkin and GA Gov Kemp.
  • Kemp: Joe Biden has brought us 40-year high infla­tion, a dis­as­ter at the bor­der and out of con­trol gov­ern­ment spend­ing. If repub­li­cans want to win in 2024, we must be for­ward think­ing and tell the Amer­i­can peo­ple what were going to do to change the direc­tion of our coun­try.
  • Despite Kemp seem­ing to reject a run for pres­i­dent ear­li­er this year, hes now leav­ing the door cracked open as a break-the-emer­gency-glass can­di­date if DeSan­tis or anoth­er alter­na­tive to Trump bad­ly fal­ters. At The end of a three-day Sea Island retreat for Gov Bri­an Kemps top donors, atten­dees could­nt help but detect a change in the repub­li­cans mes­sag­ing.
  • Kemp tout­ing GA as #2 in ear­ly vot­ing rates. GA ranked No 2 in the nation in ear­ly vot­ing dur­ing the 2022 midterms, with 58% of in-per­son vot­ers cast­ing their bal­lots before Elec­tion Day.
  • GA Gov Bri­an Kemp con­sid­ers what he real­ly wants out of 2024. Bri­an Kemp has thus far declined get­ting into the 2024 pres­i­den­tial race but insid­ers also say hes cracked the door a bit more recent­ly as Trumps trou­bles pile up.
  • There are a lot of peo­ple try­ing to get Bri­an Kemp to run. Unsure if he will or not.
  • Yellen is in Chi­na. John Ker­ry is going next week. Chi­na holds the con­trol of the min­er­als around the world to make these car bat­ter­ies and chips. We passed the chips act know­ing that when Chi­na shuts us off we are in trou­ble. It takes years to tap the resources that we need to make the bat­ter­ies and chips.
  • Christie says FBI direc­tor Chris Wray has done a very good job. Chris Wray hid the cell phone that would impli­cate Christie in the Bridge­gate.

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