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The Fear Is The Weapons of Tyrants

  • Mack McGre­gor is run­ning for Walk­er Co Sher­iff
  • We are going to be there as long as it takes: Biden acci­den­tal­ly calls Zelen­sky Vladimir as he vows to send more aid to Ukraine and assures the coun­try’s future is in NATO before snap­ping at the press.
  • Bidens Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Advi­sor defends Joe for skip­ping din­ner at NATO sum­mit. Jake Sul­li­van insists the pres­i­dent did­nt have to attend the ban­quet because he has already spent plen­ty of time meet­ing with world lead­ers.
  • We have dis­cussed the sup­pres­sion of every­thing. The FBI knows it, the Courts know it, the Amer­i­can peo­ple know it. Fear is the weapon of tyrants. The Amer­i­can peo­ple will not accept anoth­er can­di­date that just talks about tax­es. What they have done to par­ents and what they have done to sup­press infor­ma­tion will reflect in the can­di­date the Amer­i­can peo­ple want. The free­doms of the peo­ple have been affect­ed and it goes across par­ty lines.
  • It has cost Mike Lin­dell to try to clear the elec­tion process. My Pil­low is auc­tion­ing off equip­ment after retail­ers pull its prod­ucts. CEO Mike Lin­dell says annu­al sales fell $100 mil­lion after sev­er­al big-box retail­ers cut ties fol­low­ing his elec­tion claims.
  • GA Sun­shine Laws — Red Book

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