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The Plea Deal Heard Around The Country

  • Yes­ter­day was a plea deal that was set up for Hunter.
  • Hunter Bidens busi­ness part­ner Devon Archer is in hid­ing after receiv­ing threats and fears for his fam­ilys safe­ty but will tes­ti­fy to Con­gress next week about his shady deal­ing with First Son and Joe.
  • Devon Archer is going to tes­ti­fy next week in front of Con­gress. They are try­ing to set up secu­ri­ty around this guy. He could be out pad­dle­board­ing in 3 of water and he could drown. Devon Archer is a part­ner of Hunter Biden. He plays golf with Joe Biden. He is on legal doc­u­ments with Hunter Biden. Archer is going to tes­ti­fy next week that he was on con­fer­ence calls with Joe Biden.
  • The plea deal heard around the world.
  • Tear this up: Stunned onlook­ers gasp as Hunter Bidens sweet­heart plea deal crum­bles in court. US Dis­trict Judge Maryellen Nor­ei­ka was expect­ed to sign off on the Biden Jus­tice Depart­ments deal with Hut­ner, but instead the pro­ceed­ings began to break down about 90 min­utes into the 3 hours hear­ing.
  • Courts are backed up. Judges like for the 2 sides to go into a room and work out a deal. There may be a time that the judge scolds a defen­dant to be on the record of let­ting them know what could hap­pen. But the Judge takes the deal. Very sel­dom does a judge scrap a plea deal. If the plea deal is scrapped it goes to tri­al. They have had 5 years to work on this. They have had all this time to write a deal that works for every­one.
  • The judge asks, Is this even con­sti­tu­tion­al?
  • Yes­ter­day they tried to go in and sneak past the fed­er­al judge to give Hunter the life­time par­don in any­thing he ever does. Ziegler and Shap­ley are what hap­pened to Hunter. Hunter is a for­eign agent and did not file as a for­eign agent. We had a judge that caught them. She asked if there was an ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tion. Yes.. And does this shield him from the ongo­ing inves­ti­ga­tions. NO.. the air goes out of the room. The deal was set up and it was Hunter Bidens team under­stand­ing that this would be the end of inves­ti­ga­tions.
  • In 45 days there is going to be a lot more evi­dence of the cor­rup­tion and the crimes. They will have to write a deal that will not tie any­thing else to this deal. They dont get the blan­ket rub­ber stamp par­don for Hunter.
  • All the report­ing is about Hunter Biden. But what the deal was shield­ing was the Deep State. This judge has the guts.
  • The Biden fam­i­ly scan­dals are so much big­ger than Hunters hook­ers and Buris­ma bribery.

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