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Trump Indictments and Crackdown on Kids Transgender Care

  • Trump brush­es off indict­ment con­cerns. Spe­cial coun­sel exam­ines the 2020 meet­ing where Trump was briefed on the US elec­tion sys­tems integri­ty. On Nov 12, 2020, CISA issued a joint state­ment with oth­er elec­tion secu­ri­ty groups call­ing the elec­tion the most secure in Amer­i­can his­to­ry. Jack Smith inves­ti­ga­tors inter­view for­mer head of Cyber­secru­ty & Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty agency, Chris Krebs. Trump fired him on Nov 17, 2020.
  • Remem­ber we did the Octo­ber 2020 time­line the oth­er day. Then there is polling data that if the Amer­i­can peo­ple had all the infor­ma­tion that was sup­pressed the out­come of the elec­tion would have been dif­fer­ent.
  • The 3 tri­als that we are aware of — NY, FL doc­u­ments, Jack Smith J6 — then we will have the GA trail. Each will be spaced out enough for the media to go from trail to trail. Now the pub­lic has a right to know before they cast a vote.
  • Amer­i­c­as crack­down on trans­gen­der kids care. Map shows how a red wave of bans on gen­der affirm­ing treat­ment for chil­dren has engulfed the Mid­west and South­ern states.
  • We have the mes­sage that is non-par­ti­san. NJ Gov Phil Mur­phy does­nt not believe the par­ents have the right over the chil­dren over the pro­fes­sion­als with the degrees.
  • The State of NJ sues 3 school dis­tricts over trans­gen­der noti­fi­ca­tion pol­i­cy. The pol­i­cy requires the par­ents to be in the Know. Out­ing these stu­dents against their will pos­es seri­ous men­tal health risks, says the law­suit.
  • This is all set up for a con­sti­tu­tion­al bat­tle in the Supreme Court.

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