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Biden Loses Ground With Working Class — Cant Go On Bidenomics

  • You have Devon Archer, Hunter Biden and the FBI cov­er­ing up the lap­top. But hit­ting home with vot­ers is Joe Biden not acknowl­edg­ing Navy the sev­enth grand­child. It did­nt take 4 weeks that Joe Biden final­ly acknowl­edged Navy. The grand­child can­not use their last name.
  • Yes­ter­day the rep from MN said that com­pe­ti­tion is good on the demo­c­rat tick­et. They are going to attempt to steal the elec­tion. They cant get the inde­pen­dent vot­ers to believe cer­tain things. He cant over­come Bide­nomics.
  • Biden los­es ground with work­ing class Black and Lati­no vot­ers. Remem­ber Nan­cy had to call Clyburn in SC to get the black vot­ers behind Biden. There is noth­ing that they can do between now and 2024, maybe repa­ra­tions, send­ing a check. That is why they have to take down GA. IF 1% does­nt vote for him in GA he is done. Go look at Crime, safe­ty in their com­mu­ni­ties, bide­nomics, the list goes on. If repub­li­cans cant take Bide­nomics and win we have a prob­lem.
  • Their only hope is to take Trump in GA. They have tried every­thing and they cant fig­ure it out how to take out Trump. They did every­thing they could to put Trump in jail yes­ter­day.
  • Inter­est­ing­ly, Mike Pence qual­i­fied for the debate right after attack­ing Trump on the net­works on Sun­day.
  • Biden talk­ing about Bide­nomics on the trail.
  • The state of GA has a record num­ber of prop­er­ty tax appeals. The courts can­not han­dle the increase. By the time the cir­cle is done you pay more mon­ey. You are no longer a tax­pay­er, they are a tax tak­er. You are not appre­ci­at­ed any­more by being the tax­pay­er. They are doing all they can to push you out of home own­er­ship. They are push­ing for mul­ti-hous­ing, afford­able hous­ing where invest­ment groups own them and rent them.
  • GA Bud­get office: These are pub­lic dol­lars that belong to Geor­gians and should be sup­port­ing the needs of Geor­gians. We urge the state to uti­lize the Bud­get Sur­plus to address press­ing chal­lenges faced by our com­mu­ni­ties. The GBPI says GAs over­all state reserves, going into fis­cal year 2024, are expect­ed to be above $16 bil­lion.
  • While Kemp is telling the agen­cies an 3% increase, and giv­ing you back $$… it is all a cam­paign stunt.
  • Raf­fensperg­er defends GAs mod­el vot­ing sys­tem as accu­rate, secure.
  • Not pos­si­ble. These guys can not say any­thing neg­a­tive about the elec­tion. They are bypass­ing the repub­li­can base. Mod­el means GA is the best state pre­tend­ing that there isnt any fraud and ignor­ing the facts.

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