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The Deep State Has to Figure Out How To Steal The Election Again

  • You are doing some­thing right if Media Mat­ters head­lines you. Robert F Kennedy Jr super PAC is pay­ing thou­sands of dol­lars to a fringe out­let that posts anti-black, anti-LGBTQ and elec­tion denial con­tent. ES&S accused of block­ing access to cru­cial elec­tion records nation­wide. Mas­sive elec­tion fraud exposed, Pres­i­dent Trump vin­di­cat­ed.
  • That might be the prob­lem right there. Pres­i­dent Trump vin­di­cat­ed.
  • DeSan­tis claims Trump lost the 2020 elec­tion. Of course he lost but there were some irreg­u­lar­i­ties.
  • Gabriel Ster­ling: GA is a leader in safe, secure, accu­rate elec­tions Raf­fensperg­er knows GA is a mod­el vot­ing sys­tem. Those say­ing oth­er­wise are sad­ly mis­led or engag­ing in a grift.
  • The deep state knows what they did and they cant do it again. They have to fig­ure out how to steal the elec­tion. The Amer­i­can peo­ple wont believe it a sec­ond time so they have to come up with anoth­er plan. Joe has to go because he is los­ing ground with demo­graph­ics so fast. Biden talks bide­nomics, maga repub­li­cans on the trail. If this guy takes bide­nomics and wins your con­sti­tu­tion­al repub­lic is gone. There is no way on the up and up can democ­rats take bide­nomics and win the elec­tion. The real num­bers are out there.
  • They are deter­mined that Trump will not be on the bal­lot.
  • You con­tin­ue to hear fake elec­tors. In 1960, the state of Hawaii had 2 sets of elec­tors due to the law­suit that was in the courts regard­ing the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion.
  • New sub­poe­nas in the Trump Fake elec­tors case in GA. You keep hear­ing that there are 7 states with fake elec­tors. There is not a fake elec­tor, they are alter­na­tive elec­tors that were sworn in and cast­ed their vote. In all 7 states there was a legal chal­lenge tak­ing place. When there is a legal chal­lenge to an elec­tion and if you dont meet on that appro­pri­ate day and sign legal doc­u­ments say­ing that you cast your vote for and if you pre­vail and they don’t have the meet­ing on the cer­tain day it is all for not.
  • All the deep state is parad­ing Brad Raf­fensperg­er around tout­ing that the GA elec­tions are secure going to all the cham­ber of com­merce meet­ings.
  • A demo­c­rat AG in Michi­gan has charged all 16 alter­nate elec­tors and Trump is tied in MI.
  • Fani Willis is ready to indict State Sen­a­tor Shawn Still, Cathy Lath­em, and For­mer GOP Chair David Shafer. They want to per­se­cute and destroy us. They want to destroy Trump, the 16 alter­nate elec­tors in MI, we have to stop them.
  • FBI agent lied under oath about knowl­edge of Hunter Biden lap­top talks with Face­book, doc­u­ment reveals. Lau­ra Dehm­low, the cur­rent FBI sec­tion chief of the For­eign Influ­ence Task Force, and Elvis Chan, a liai­son between the FBI and big tech com­pa­nies, met with Twit­ter and Face­book on the day the NY Post pub­lished its Hunter Biden lap­top sto­ry and dis­cussed the authen­tic­i­ty of the lap­top.


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