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The Goal of the Deep State Plan in GA

  • n BKPs opin­ion, GA is con­trolled by a cor­rupt group of indi­vid­u­als that call them­selves Repub­li­cans and their leader is Bri­an Kemp. They have been tasked by the deep state to destroy Don­ald Trump. They see GA as where they can fin­ish him off. Bri­an Kemp has the gall to use loy­al­ty and oath in tweets. Kemp went to Davos and they back slapped him. Kemp is the Great Trump Slay­er. He has cre­at­ed a polit­i­cal civ­il war in GA.
  • We have told you that GA will be indict­ment #4. GA will be the place where Trump goes to die. They are try­ing to stop any attor­ney from tak­ing any elec­tion case.
  • Remem­ber Kemp came out and said he could not work in the struc­ture of the cur­rent GOP. He has been very very clear if you read between the lines that his ulti­mate goal is to destroy the GOP of GA, the grass­roots.
  • We have ille­gals flood­ing into GA and we dont know where they are at. They are col­laps­ing our econ­o­my but what does Kemp do, he increas­es spend­ing.
  • Fani Willis, the DA, could­n’t do what she did with­out the cor­rupt men in GA that iden­ti­fy as repub­li­cans help­ing her, in BKPs opin­ion. Kemp, Raf­fensperg­er, Carr, and the list goes on.
  • Trump, Giu­liani, Mead­ows among 19 indict­ments in GA 2020 elec­tion rack­e­teer­ing case. Trump says Witch Hunt con­tin­ues.
  • We have to be ready for the steal that is in place. We have to lawyer up and they are try­ing to stop a lawyer from tak­ing any elec­tion case. 8 out of 19 defen­dants in the GA case are lawyers.
  • The goal is to bank­rupt the GA GOP. Kemp did­nt go to the GA GOP con­ven­tion. Grass­roots, the true base of Amer­i­ca, the GA GOP — Bri­an Kemp does not like you. YOu have to go with the hard facts. If the guy cares about you on ounce, he would not have giv­en
  • Kemp is play­ing mis­ter nice guy and burn­ing the house down. He has no loy­al­ty.
  • Every­thing was all planned out.
  • Aug 2 — Erick Erick­son: Rumor in the legal cir­cles in GA is to expect the Ful­ton Co indict­ments in the next two weeks.
  • Aug 10 — Erick Erick­son: Peo­ple in Atlanta tell me they expect an indict­ment on Tues­day and an arraign­ment on Thurs­day.
  • Every­one is In on the plan. The goal from the begin­ning is to end Trump.
  • This arti­cle is from two weeks ago.
  • White House hope­fuls head­ing to GA as Trump charges loom.
  • Fani Willis has put out the sur­ren­der for the defen­dants. Mike Pence will be in GA and par­tic­i­pat­ed with Jack Smith and Kemp and Pence will share the stage at 10am on Fri­day. Will it be a Pence Kemp moment?
  • There are mul­ti­ple rea­sons it is a RICO charge, it is com­bined. The goal is to bank­rupt us. And to get you to nev­er do any­thing again, par­tic­i­pat­ing in the par­ty, nev­er be a poll work­er.
  • Kemp start­ed com­ing out a cou­ple of weeks ago to do media hits sound­ing very pres­i­den­tial but he said he would­n’t run for pres­i­dent. Kemp under pres­sure said that he would sup­port the repub­li­can nom­i­nee. Kemp is doing all he can to stop Trump from being the nom­i­nee. He nev­er intends to sup­port Trump, just the nom­i­nee because he plans to stop Trump.
  • Trump will not com­mit to the GOP loy­al­ty oath.
  • Bri­an Kemp: Every repub­li­can run­ning for Pres­i­dent would be bet­ter than Joe Biden. Any can­di­date who does not com­mit to sup­port­ing the even­tu­al nom­i­nee is putting them­selves ahead of the future of our coun­try.
  • Every­one is upset. Trump is upset and tweets out.
  • Don­ald Trump: A large, com­plex, detailed but irrefutable report on the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion fraud which took place in GA is almost com­plete and will be pre­sent­ed by me at a major news con­fer­ence at 11am on Mon­day of next week in Bed­min­ster, NJ. Based on the results of this con­clu­sive report, all charges should be dropped against me and oth­ers — There will be a com­plete exon­er­a­tion! They nev­er went after those that rigged the elec­tion. Tey only went after those that fought to find the rig­gers!
  • Bri­an Kemp: The 2020 elec­tion in GA was not stolen. For near­ly three years now, any­one with evi­dence of fraud has failed to come for­ward — under oath — and prove any­thing in a court of law. Our elec­tions in GA are secure, acces­si­ble, and fair and will con­tin­ue to be as long as I am Gov­er­nor.
  • Kemp, Raf­fensperg­er, Bri­an Amero, law­mak­ers, they all know it is true. In GA Kemp will attend an event as long as the event chair guar­an­tees him that no one will boo him.

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