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Why The Smoke Of The Donald Trump Indictment.

  • Ful­ton Co DA expect­ed to bring the case before a grand jury.
  • George Chi­di, a jour­nal­ist, walked into the room to take a pic­ture. Most jour­nal­ists would not take part in a grand jury. He was the one that took the pic­ture of the meet­ing of the alter­nate elec­tors.
  • Why the smoke of the Don­ald Trump indict­ment. What they dont want you to see.
  • MI AG Dana Nes­sel con­firms 8,000 to 10,000 sus­pect­ed fraud­u­lent reg­is­tra­tions deliv­ered to Muskegon Clerk Octo­ber 2020, as not­ed in the MI State Police report she buried from the pub­lic. We have states out there like Brad Raffes­nperg­er chang­ing elec­tion laws with­out leg­is­la­tion.
  • FDA final­ly announces that Doc­tors can pre­scribe Iver­mectin to treat COVID-19.
  • Joe Biden is get­ting ready to give our sov­er­eign­ty to the WHO. Do you think Ron DeSan­tis, Nik­ki Haley, Mike Pence, Chris Christie will bring this down.
  • Your big name phar­ma­cies would not car­ry it. We could only get it from pri­vate phar­ma­cies. Many peo­ple would have sur­vived if it was not made fun of and allowed to be pre­scribed with­out sac­ri­fic­ing the doc­tor’s med­ical license.
  • It was all planned by an elite group of peo­ple. Clin­tons lawyer Perkins Coui came in to do the decent decree under emer­gency orders to change our elec­tion.
  • Biden is on the road brag­ging about Bide­nomics
  • Biden admin has giv­en $2.35 Bil­lion to Tal­iban-con­trolled Afghanistan. Remem­ber the coffins com­ing back from Afghanistan. Remem­ber we had some­one that had the sui­cide bomber in their sights to take him out and could­nt get the author­i­ty to do so. Remem­ber the 13 Amer­i­cans that were killed unnec­es­sar­i­ly. We dont talk about the 100s of oth­ers that were killed. And then 3 days lat­er we blew up a van that had the bomber in it and then it was con­firmed it was the wrong van with a kid in it. This was a dis­as­ter.

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