Home / News / BKP Politics Weekly Wrapup August 18, 2023

BKP Politics Weekly Wrapup August 18, 2023

  • WE have been wait­ing for some­one to speak up about the indict­ments Fani Willis has pre­sent­ed this week against Trump and the 18 when there are 18K felony back­logs in Ful­ton Co.
  • Newt Gin­grich has a cred­i­ble source. They cre­at­ed a dis­as­ter by assign­ing Weiss as spe­cial coun­sel on the Hunter Biden cor­rup­tion. There was a call that was made to Fani Willis to have the indict­ment on Mon­day to change the news­cy­cle.
  • We know Bide­nomics does not work. While Joe Biden is going around say­ing the infla­tion reduc­tion act is doing its job. And John Podes­ta say­ing the IRA is going to make a dif­fer­ence in our cli­mate cri­sis. Behind the cur­tain of total finan­cial col­lapse in the world.
  • Colton Moore sent a let­ter to the gov­er­nor. Some­one had to do it. We have been ask­ing the ques­tion Where are our state sen­a­tors, rep­re­sen­ta­tives, our AG, we know where our gov­er­nor is on the stage with Erick Erick­son and Mike Pence today. When it comes to the grass­roots and the base, Kemp is help­ing him­self. Kemp is busy say­ing the 2020 elec­tion was not stolen. Colton Moore had the guts with the state seal at the top as a state sen­a­tor to say that some­thing is not right and has to be inves­ti­gat­ed. Don­ald Trump won GA and we put our elec­tors togeth­er. There was a state sen­a­tor that was indict­ed and Kemp has the right to sus­pend the sen­a­tor while the inves­ti­ga­tion goes on. Kemp needs to make a state­ment say­ing he will not sus­pend Shawn Still.
  • In GA, in the House it takes 50%+1 to move some­thing to the sen­ate. The removal process takes the sen­ate and they would need to have 4 democ­rats to get her impeached.
  • This week MTG said she may be in the posi­tion to be Trump’s VP.

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