Home / News / Hawaiian Kids Were Home Alone To Burn, Joe Talking About Kitchen Fire

Hawaiian Kids Were Home Alone To Burn, Joe Talking About Kitchen Fire

  • Kids were home alone burned to death and Joe is talk­ing about a small kitchen fire.
  • Vot­ers will watch this debate for plan B. How Trump will shape the GOP debate from off­stage.
  • Biden does­n’t have black vot­ers in GA. What hap­pened yes­ter­day in Maui and him falling asleep. There will be some­one at every event to catch him stum­bling.
  • Con­gress moves towards a short term fund­ing bill to quell fears of a shut­down. We are going to have the dra­ma of shut­ting the coun­try down.
  • Ful­ton Co Bond order for For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump: The Defen­dant shall per­form no act to intim­i­date any per­son known to him or her to be a co-defen­dant or wit­ness in this case or to oth­er­wise obstruct the admin­is­tra­tion of jus­tice.
  • Pay atten­tion to the BRICS sum­mit. Chi­na moves to take on the G&: Bei­jing bids to expand BRICS bloc — which includ­ed Rus­sia and South Africa but fel­low mem­ber India fears its true aim is to be a polit­i­cal chal­lenge to the West. This is a new cur­ren­cy.
  • NYTimes is report­ing that Biden fam­i­ly attor­neys are now push­ing the Biden DOJ to pros­e­cute IRS whistle­blow­ers for shar­ing infor­ma­tion with Con­gress. These brave whistle­blow­ers tes­ti­fied under oath and deserve pro­tec­tion. This wit­ness intim­i­da­tion is unac­cept­able. While Mr. Bidens legal team agrees that the IRS agents affect­ed the deal, his lawyers have con­tend­ed to the Jus­tice Depart­ment that by dis­clos­ing details about the inves­ti­ga­tion to Con­gress, they broke the law and should be pros­e­cut­ed.

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