Home / News / If Fulton Case Falls Apart Kemp Wouldnt Be Doing His Part To Destroy Trump

If Fulton Case Falls Apart Kemp Wouldnt Be Doing His Part To Destroy Trump

  • Kemp attacks Don­ald Trump. If Bri­an Kemp would show any con­sid­er­a­tion for the GA GOP, maybe the 19 inno­cent peo­ple would not be get­ting pros­e­cut­ed. And the grass­roots could wear their paper bal­lot shirts and express their free­dom of speech. If Kemp was to green light any­one, this case could fall apart. And if this case falls apart Kemp could­nt do his part to destroy Don­ald Trump.
  • We all know the Joe Biden famous video clip of fir­ing Vik­tor Shokin. For­mer Ukrain­ian pros­e­cu­tor Vik­tor Shokin unleash­es on the Bidens in a bomb­shell inter­view accus­ing them and Buris­ma of cor­rup­tion and claims he was poi­soned twice by ene­mies try­ing to silence him. He was fired for inves­ti­gat­ing Buris­ma, the Ukrain­ian gas com­pa­ny where Hunter Biden served on the board. Yes, They were being bribed the fired Ukraine Pros­e­cu­tor cor­rob­o­rates Biden cor­rup­tion. Vik­tor Shokin says Hunter Biden was recruit­ed by Buris­ma to pro­vide pro­tec­tion. Buris­mas Devon Archer met with then Sec­re­tary of State Ker­ry just weeks before Shokin was fired.
  • Pres­i­dent Trumps sup­port among black vot­ers has near­ly tripled from 8% to 20%. Now you know why the media is obsess­ing over the racial­ly moti­vat­ed shoot­ing in Jack­sonville. They are try­ing to scare black vot­ers back into the demo­c­rat mind prison.

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