Home / Opinion / Joe Biden and the Impeachment Problem

Joe Biden and the Impeachment Problem

Sub­mit­ted by George McClel­lan

If we accept that Joe Biden isnt real­ly the Pres­i­dent because he did­nt win, and Don­ald Trump still is because he did, and all efforts to cor­rect the prob­lem con­sti­tu­tion­al­ly has irrev­o­ca­bly divid­ed the coun­try, then what is the best solu­tion remain­ing that can calm beat­ing hearts? Impeach­ment or the 25th Amend­ment? As it now stands, the feck­less Repub­li­cans will not real­ly be impeach­ing Biden because the no account NY Sen­ate major­i­ty leader, Chucky Schumer, will doubt­less vote against con­vic­tion. Nev­er­the­less, the Repub­li­cans should do enough polit­i­cal dam­age to the Pro­gres­sive Democ­rats that they will be forced into the same defen­sive mode the Repub­li­cans have long occu­pied. But no, dont count that because the nev­er Trump and RiNO Repub­li­cans dont want him either. As con­ser­v­a­tives we face a conun­drum. The anti Trumpers are now look­ing at apply­ing the 14th amend­ment at state lev­els to keep Don­ald Trump off the bal­lot. The 14th amend­ment, as the Pro­gres­sives read it, would equal­ly apply to Joe Biden and Kamala Har­ris as well.

I rec­om­mend that the GOP should pub­licly aban­don the idea of impeach­ing Joe, not because he does­nt deserve it but to pur­sue impeach­ment sim­ply because the Democ­rats did it twice to Don­ald Trump on pho­ny man­u­fac­tured evi­dence, will allow the Democ­rats to cast us as pet­ty, venge­ful and inse­cure. While Repub­li­cans are try­ing to increase their vot­er base, it would implant in the pet­ty, venge­ful and inse­cure Pro­gres­sive Democ­rats minds the idea that weaponiz­ing the impeach­ment process is anoth­er accept­able method of polit­i­cal war­fare by elim­i­nat­ing the peo­ples choice in favor of their own can­di­date. That path­way is the pre­cur­sor for gun­fire and will inevitably lead to tyran­ny if only as an excuse to stop the vio­lence. Instead, the GOP should solid­ly embrace the 25th Amend­ment as the vehi­cle for Bidens removal. Few can dis­agree that Biden’s fail­ing cog­ni­tive, speak­ing and motor abil­i­ties on the world stage are not inim­i­cal to Amer­i­c­as for­eign pol­i­cy. They can no longer be denied. Hes about already destroyed Amer­i­ca eco­nom­i­cal­ly.

Joe Biden, the dis­mal crea­ture wan­der­ing about on that world stage demon­strat­ing nation­al weak­ness and embar­rass­ing Amer­i­ca as he does so, is a fit can­di­date for his quick removal by the 25th Amend­ment. Even Democ­rats would have to accept it espe­cial­ly as Bidens dis­mal per­for­mance in India, Viet­nam and Alas­ka so ably demon­strat­ed. The trick is about how to accom­plish this feat with­out ele­vat­ing the dis­mal Kamala Har­ris to be Amer­i­c­as first Jamaican female Pres­i­dent. The very thought of that out­come is too awful to con­tem­plate even for many Democ­rats but, it must be con­sid­ered. After all, Joe could drop over dead any minute sim­ply because his body decid­ed to quit. His brain quit years ago so hes just run­ning on fumes any­way. For­tu­nate­ly, Bidens actions has pro­vid­ed enough evi­dence to bag em all!

Repub­li­cans have already unveiled a four-point strat­e­gy against Joe in a poten­tial impeach­ment effort. Dont bet on it. Speak­er McCarthy does­nt have the gonads to do any­thing even if its for show. A suc­cess­ful Impeach­ment of Biden could poten­tial­ly open up the coun­try to vio­lent left­ist polit­i­cal back­lash and a pos­si­ble prob­lem for the GOP for the very rea­sons I men­tioned above, but we can han­dle it. The fact is, the GOP is unfa­mil­iar with smash face pol­i­tics like the Democ­rats have long and skill­ful­ly been doing with their sev­er­al polit­i­cal­ly-moti­vat­ed crim­i­nal indict­ments, two impeach­ments and the sil­ly Demo­c­rat filled Jan 6 com­mit­tee they threw at Don­ald Trump. All those actions, while in the end were fail­ures, none the less left an indeli­ble dark mark con­tin­u­ous­ly spewed by the left­ist news sites who keep preach­ing how dan­ger­ous the re-elec­tion of Trump would be for Amer­i­can democ­ra­cy.

Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Repub­li­cans need to return to the basic prin­ci­ples of Con­sti­tu­tion­al repub­li­can­ism as close as they can get. Embrace the rule of law, rein­force the impor­tance of the Con­sti­tu­tion and keep point­ing out the un-Amer­i­can crim­i­nal activ­i­ties that the Democ­rats have clev­er­ly escaped account­abil­i­ty for. The day I see the Clin­tons and Oba­ma and the Biden’s, one or all of them head­ed for a tri­al, then and only then will I enter­tain restor­ing my faith in the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment. The fum­bling GOP process con­tin­ues with many issues impact­ing the Biden Crime Fam­i­ly nar­ra­tive. House Repub­li­cans are con­struct­ing a case through four Com­mit­tees: Home­land Secu­ri­ty, Ways & Means, Over­sight & Account­abil­i­ty, and Judi­cia­ry. Lets hope they can get it right. We need relief not more talk and promis­es.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get em! (12Sep23)

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