Will America Survive its Political Thieves?
Submitted by George McClellan
The Democrats have spent years trying to redefined the meaning of words to fit their agenda like they are trying to do with the perversion of transgenderism. Trying to make us believe that males can give birth for example, tops the list of their really stupid ideas that defy common sense, nature and what we once thought was the rule of law. What they have done to our economy is even worse especially in light of the annual congressional exercise called the Continuing Resolution to temporarily keep government running.
The Congress can continue to Resolve all they want but the truth is, America is broke: weve run out of money, and politicians are just trying to move the pieces around on a check board. Under Joe Bidens administration, word definitions take a through beating.
The threat is a Government Shutdown. That sounds serious, and the news media make it sound like an imminent disaster. A government shut down? Oh, be still my quaking heart. How many similar other imminent disasters have we faced in the past few years, politicians always spreading the fear that well not get our Social Security or retirement Checks if a CR is not immediately passed. What we arent told is that folks now in their 50s, wont be getting their Social Security checks at all because the government cant afford it. As a matter of fact we signed onto Social Security rather as a guaranteed government retirement supplement in our old age because we were told it was our money, collecting interest and would never be touched. Well, it was touched, all the deposits long ago replaced by IOUs.
Now were being conned into accepting that Social Security payments are really government benefits. If its a benefit, the government can take it away from us. Its another BS Con job! The word Benefits is a smooth sounding idea suggesting the guaranteed peace and tranquility that all Americans should enjoy. Well, its gone, all of it! If were broke, then why is Bidens government providing benefits to the millions of illegals invited here that includes cost free medical treatment, housing, schooling for their children, food every day and debit cards? Why wasnt the border wall finished when Biden took over using funds already allocated for it instead of draining our resources to protect Ukraine’s border? Because Democrats need compliant voters.
Our National Debt, now in the multiple trillions of dollars is almost at the point when the interest on it cant be met. Weve become a debtor nation, in truth not fallacy. Our problem is, politicians are in charge and we believe em when they say trust us, we know what were doing. If we dont trust them, then they drag their experts to con us even further. Maintaining our national defense is always paramount for voting for a CR, but in the end, any fiduciary device to maintain the military is immediately doubled or tripled to assuage some other politicians pork barrel demands that get approved layer upon layer, until a new debt ceiling is needed. Thats when the weak and feckless Republicans turn tail, run and hide.
The purchasing power of the US dollar is almost gone. Its role as a world currency based on oil, is almost over because of Bidens policies, his stupid foreign policy actions and this sick, demented idea that Climate Change is going to destroy the world (before Biden can). In any event, the middle class is being reduce if not destroyed, a Marxist imperative for a Socialist government.
Are you familiar with Joe Bidens Executive Order 14067? It is his device, very soon to impose a digital dollar on us so his version of the Chinese surveillance state can be realized. Its the Democrats (Marxists) plan to end privacy as we know it by tracking and controlling our every financial move the Constitution be damned. Since WWII, US government policy has always been to ensure that the US dollar retains its value, but the deliberate erosion of the dollar’s purchasing power has left us vulnerable as evidenced by inflated fuel and food prices eating away at our savings and investments.
Inflation is governments favorite tax. Amid the growing chaos Bidens happy assurances us that Bidenomics is working for all Americans and that the current inflation problem is really a temporary phenomenon,. We instinctively know that that is a bald faced lie as our daily living costs prove. The coming collapse of our purchasing power is not accidental, it is the result of FED policies that prioritize short-term gains over our long-term financial security and to move us into a compliant socialist state whether we want it or not. Folks, weve got to get ready. Disaster is coming as surely as elm blight comes in January.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now go get em! (20Sep23)