Home / News / Kim Reynolds Puts Her Endorsement Behind Desantis, It Is Not Making Sense

Kim Reynolds Puts Her Endorsement Behind Desantis, It Is Not Making Sense

  • Kim Reynolds puts her endorse­ment behind DeSan­tis, it is not mak­ing sense. Trump is up 26, 43 over Trump in polls in Iowa. 74% of vot­ers want a GOP can­di­date that can beat Biden, and Trump is the can­di­date Iowians say that he is the can­di­date that can beat Biden. Why the endorse­ment for DeSan­tis?
  • Who is still giv­ing mon­ey to these peo­ple Christie, Desnatis, Haley, Ramaswamy, and Scott to keep them on the debate stage? They are meet­ing the cam­paign require­ments by the RNC.
  • Why keep plow­ing for­ward when Trump is clear­ly win­ning the nom­i­na­tion?
  • Some­thing has made these peo­ple believe that Trump cant win the gen­er­al elec­tion. The donors, RNC and these can­di­dates.
  • The RNC is lay­ing the ground­work that if Trump is con­vict­ed of 1 felony they believe Trump would lose the gen­er­al elec­tion. The Deep State will allow the right repub­li­can to win the elec­tion. And the democ­rats will allow it because noth­ing will change. If they give you a repub­li­can pres­i­dent they will give you a demo­c­rat house. They will tell you that the peo­ple like the split gov­ern­ment.
  • Remem­ber Trump did not attend the inau­gu­ra­tion. They want you to believe that he stole doc­u­ments. And all the talk about the trans­fer of pow­er and the cracks in our democ­ra­cy. They have to have Biden sit next to the new repub­li­can pres­i­dent to have the peace­ful trans­fer of pow­er.

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