Home / News / Your Government Has Taken Organized Crime From The Mafia

Your Government Has Taken Organized Crime From The Mafia

  • Your gov­ern­ment has tak­en orga­nized crime from the mafia.
  • Why are they hav­ing a debate? Why is New­som and DeSan­tis hav­ing a debate in GA? Why give a plat­form for New­som in GA? Why did Kim Reynolds endorse Ron DeSan­tis when the Iowa vot­ers are over­whelm­ing­ly pick­ing Don­ald Trump?
  • We have a nation of Kings and Queens and over­lords. Every­thing has a pub­lic pri­vate part­ner­ship.
  • Eric Adams legal woes over­shad­ow NYC migrant cri­sis. Do you think that Eric Adams kept his mouth shut and not say that the ille­gals would be the down­fall of the city he might not have the legal woes. The expand­ing fed­er­al cor­rup­tion inves­ti­ga­tion threat­ens to over­shad­ow the chal­lenge he spent much of the year con­fronting. As he lob­bies Wash­ing­ton and Albany for more help with the ille­gals. Our fed­er­al gov­ern­ment decides who gets inves­ti­gat­ed and who goes to jail and who broke the law accord­ing to them. The King throws you in the dun­geon.
  • Don­ald J Trump, 91 counts and 4 indict­ments and they are going to try to take the mans prop­er­ty.

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