Home / News / Jones Pummels A Missing Raffensperger In A Scathing Attack Ad.

Jones Pummels A Missing Raffensperger In A Scathing Attack Ad.

  • Jones pum­mels a miss­ing Raf­fensperg­er in a scathing attack ad. WE have to have a new vot­ing sys­tem in GA. They are mak­ing sure in MI they col­lapse the GOP. They are try­ing to col­lapse the GOP in oth­er areas of the coun­try.
  • MI GOP faces immi­nent default on cred­it line, ex bud­get com­mit­tee mem­ber says.
  • IF you are MAGA the mon­ey side that it takes to run the par­ty it is dry­ing up and col­laps­ing. Any state par­ty that moves to sup­port Trump, the RNC is not sup­port­ing. The estab­lish­ment is try­ing to change the way the state par­ty oper­ates and the rel­e­vance of it.
  • Brad Raf­fensperg­er, GA SOS, calls him­self a repub­li­can. In GA he receives more votes than any­one? Nev­er finds any fault of any­one. He is trav­el­ing across the coun­try to talk about elec­tion secu­ri­ty and elec­tion integri­ty.
  • Fed­er­al judge orders tri­al for GA Domin­ion vot­ing machines. US Dis­trict Judge Amy Toten­berg issued a 135 page rul­ing late Fri­day in a long-run­ning law­suit filed by activists who want the state to ditch its elec­tron­ic vot­ing machines in favor of hand-marked paper bal­lots. The case is set to start Jan 9. There will not be a jury.
  • There is only one way to beat Don­ald Trump in GABrad Raf­fensperg­er.
  • We need to impeach and remove Brad Raf­fensperg­er and his staff. The entire office needs to be removed to save 2024.
  • What is the lev­el of impor­tance to have accu­rate elec­tions? Law­mak­ers claim there isnt enough time to get rid of the machines. They will con­tin­ue to stall.
  • Do not pur­chase a firearms with a cred­it card. Make pur­chas­es with cash.
  • LA must enact new con­gres­sion­al map by mid Jan.

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