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Our Children Are A Gift From GOD

  • Our kids are not a test case. They are not a research project. Our chil­dren are a gift from GOD.
  • It is going to take an enor­mous num­ber of patri­ots to stop cor­rup­tion and evil in this coun­try. The plan­ning they have for 2024.
  • Branch bank­ing is over in 2024. Finances are going to change in 2024. The val­ue of the US dol­lar will change this year as they will rush into the dig­i­tal cur­ren­cy.
  • $117B debt time bomb. Remem­ber there are a num­ber of com­mer­cial prop­er­ties that sit emp­ty across this coun­try. Who will bail them out??? US tax­pay­ers. This will affect the entire bank­ing sys­tem.
  • Sau­di Ara­bia and UAE offi­cial­ly join BRICS. As the world nav­i­gates for an alter­na­tive to the US dol­lar, the emer­gence of BRICS com­mon cur­ren­cy can act as a major har­bin­ger in diver­si­fy­ing risks away from the strong­hold of the dol­lar.
  • There are finan­cial things that are hap­pen­ing that will be enor­mous in 2024.
  • Boe­bert says we have to shut down the Hol­ly­wood elites because of the dona­tions by Ryan Reynolds and Bar­bra Streisand, they are giv­ing this dis­trict to the democ­rats.
  • Sched­ule of elec­tions in GA for 2024.
  • Every state has dif­fer­ent elec­tion laws, this is all set up to say that we need a fed­er­al elec­tion sys­tem.
  • TX is say­ing they are stop­ping the ille­gals com­ing into the state. And the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is say­ing how dare you say you are going to under­mine the agree­ment with Mex­i­co. We arent send­ing these peo­ple back. Give them a dri­vers license and give them a job, they arent going any­where. Remem­ber Matt Gaetz asked Delta, where are they going. They are going on the air­lin­er with­out a man­i­fest. No one knows who they sent. Dems talk­ing points for ille­gals is to have a coor­di­nat­ed effort by all lev­els of gov­ern­ment for com­pres­sive reform with resources.
  • Biggest fights fac­ing Con­gress in 2024: immi­gra­tion and Ukraine fund­ing, pre­vent­ing a gov­ern­ment shut­down, poten­tial Biden impeach­ment bat­tle, renew­ing gov­ern­ment sur­veil­lance pow­ers, FAA and farm bill reau­tho­riza­tion.
  • Remem­ber the biggest take away is the next con­gress will final­ize the 2024 elec­tion.

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