Home / Georgia / Kemp Doesnt Have Power, Lawmakers Dont Have The Votes — What?

Kemp Doesnt Have Power, Lawmakers Dont Have The Votes — What?

  • Bri­an Kemps lead­er­ship PAC is attack­ing CJ Pear­son with lies. Kemp has enough mon­ey to get some­one elect­ed that he knows will car­ry his water. Deb­bie Doo­ley tweets: Kemp is CJ claim­ing he is bring­ing CA val­ues to GA. Very hyp­o­crit­i­cal con­sid­er­ing Kemp has tout­ed the fact Hol­ly­wood CA movies and TV shows are made in GA and they received lucra­tive tax cred­its to make the movies and TV shows. Kemp is the one bring­ing CA val­ues to GA.
  • The GA gov­er­nor is the most pow­er­ful gov­er­nor in the Unit­ed States. The leg­is­la­tors need to strip the pow­er. Yet he does­n’t have the pow­er to look into a stolen elec­tion and he does­nt have the pow­er to call a spe­cial ses­sion to remove Fani Willis. Accord­ing to Kemp he nev­er has the pow­er, the leg­is­la­ture nev­er has the votes. But let Davos tell him to shut down the state. And he will throw out a doc­u­ment that gives him the pow­er to do what he wants at any giv­en day. The leg­is­la­ture has to give the King what he wants.
  • GA sen­a­tor seeks new com­mit­tee to inves­ti­gate Ful­ton DA Fani Willis. Kemp does­nt have the pow­er, the leg­is­la­ture does­nt have the votes, but they have appease­ment pow­er. Remem­ber what they have invest­ed. But Wade is a pri­vate attor­ney she hired. The AJC has released a time­line of Fani and Wade rela­tion­ship. The AJC will not release some­thing to help Trumps case.
  • The first piece of leg­is­la­tion that comes before the Sen­ate Gov­ern­ment Over­sight Com­mit­tee is a bill grant­i­ng Gov­er­nor Kemp more pow­er.
  • There is a rea­son Toten­berg is run­ning this tri­al high­light­ing we cant trust the machines. Remem­ber every­thing that is going on in the tri­al has been known for years. Remem­ber SOS Raf­fensperg­er has known for years, he had the Hal­der­man report before he ran for office. We are in bud­get talks in the GA leg­is­la­ture. Raf­fensperg­er did not ask for any addi­tion­al funds to change the machines.
  • Watch out for a Dean Phillips Nik­ki Haley tick­et

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