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Kemp why were you in Davos?

  • At Davos, Kemp pitch­es Geor­gia Way. Kemp why are you there? You dont go there unless you are part of insti­tut­ing part of the plan. remem­ber that world lead­ers meet in Davos on plan for Dis­ease X. The theme was restor­ing trust. Who holds the truth. Dis­in­for­ma­tion is a secu­ri­ty threat. Davos is scared of a Trump return. Kemp was called over because he has dropped the ball in stop­ping Trump.
  • The VP pick, how impor­tant is it for Trump. Nor­mal­ly the VP has to add some­thing to the tick­et. But it does­nt make or break the tick­et. Trump has sev­er­al VPs ready to go, wait­ing for the announce­ment from the democ­rats who the can­di­date will be.

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