Raffensperger With John Solomon Discussing The Clean Voter Rolls In GA
- Raffensperger on John Solomon discussing the clean voter rolls in GA.
- We still have 280K on the voter rolls that should have been removed in 2023. There are more that are on the active roll that should be on the inactive roll.
- Chatham county just submitted a challenge to remove 140 people off the voter rolls that have DL in another state that are in our voter rolls, just yesterday.
- There are people that have two different addresses. There is identity theft via the department of Driver Services.
- Raffensperger says that ERIC is good, but in reality it is bad. ERIC has all our driver’s information that is against federal law. Minnesota is suing their Secretary of State for using ERIC.
- WE have over 3000 that have been identified that have double voted, there were 1000s of duplicate ids that were double voters that were deleted.
- Brad Raffensperger is lying to Georgians and Georgians need to wake up and realize it.
- The Secretary of States office is reactivating the deceased voters that the county has previously removed from the voter roll 4 months later as an inactive voter sometimes in a separate county.