Home / Featured Segments / Raffensperger With John Solomon Discussing The Clean Voter Rolls In GA

Raffensperger With John Solomon Discussing The Clean Voter Rolls In GA

  • Raf­fensperg­er on John Solomon dis­cussing the clean vot­er rolls in GA.
  • We still have 280K on the vot­er rolls that should have been removed in 2023. There are more that are on the active roll that should be on the inac­tive roll.
  • Chatham coun­ty just sub­mit­ted a chal­lenge to remove 140 peo­ple off the vot­er rolls that have DL in anoth­er state that are in our vot­er rolls, just yes­ter­day.
  • There are peo­ple that have two dif­fer­ent address­es. There is iden­ti­ty theft via the depart­ment of Dri­ver Ser­vices.
  • Raf­fensperg­er says that ERIC is good, but in real­i­ty it is bad. ERIC has all our dri­ver’s infor­ma­tion that is against fed­er­al law. Min­neso­ta is suing their Sec­re­tary of State for using ERIC.
  • WE have over 3000 that have been iden­ti­fied that have dou­ble vot­ed, there were 1000s of dupli­cate ids that were dou­ble vot­ers that were delet­ed.
  • Brad Raf­fensperg­er is lying to Geor­gians and Geor­gians need to wake up and real­ize it.
  • The Sec­re­tary of States office is reac­ti­vat­ing the deceased vot­ers that the coun­ty has pre­vi­ous­ly removed from the vot­er roll 4 months lat­er as an inac­tive vot­er some­times in a sep­a­rate coun­ty.

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