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If We Impeach, What Do We Have? Will We Have Our Way Of Life Back?

  • Nan­cy would have nev­er brought up a vote with­out the votes. If we impeach, what do we have? Will we have our way of life back?
  • Amer­i­cans cant pay their bills. And it is our way of life. And we arent allow­ing crim­i­nals to come into our com­mu­ni­ties to destroy them.
  • All of this would not have been hap­pen­ing if they did­nt steal the elec­tion.
  • Chi­na has made dra­mat­ic advances in its hyper­son­ic mis­siles that can reach up to 6500 mph and are almost impos­si­ble to stop. We had a pres­i­dent of the Unit­ed states that had a peace agree­ment in the mid­dle east, keep­ing his promis­es to the Amer­i­can peo­ple, there was a stop to the bor­der cross­ings, there was a pres­i­dent that did­nt start a war. And they stole the elec­tion and stole our way of life.
  • Will the SCOTUS keep Trump off the bal­lot in Col­orado?
  • Col­orado decrim­i­nal­ized 5 psy­che­delics. There are more peo­ple in Col­orado watch­ing this rather than wor­ried if Trump is off the bal­lot.

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