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Remember Biden And Trump Both Have To Go In Comes Kemp

  • Joe does­nt want the tapes released.
  • They both have to go Kemp is brought in. Kemp warns 2024 cant be about who can out­last the oth­er 80 year old.
  • They will play Joes tapes right before the Demo­c­rat con­ven­tion.
  • Sen­ate advances Ukraine aid bill despite GOP oppo­si­tion
  • If Kemp allows a repub­li­can to run and win a Sen­ate seat what would it do for Kem­p’s polit­i­cal career. But if he runs against a demo­c­rat.
  • Kemp is out when he could stop Nik­ki Haley donors, right before the SC pri­ma­ry.
  • Biden will do an LBJ. He just came out and said that he will not run a sec­ond term to stay focused on the war and the tasks at hand.
  • Watch the del­e­gates. Watch the lit­tle things because there are rules that can be bro­ken and mod­i­fied in the con­ven­tion. The Repub­li­can con­ven­tion is in July. The Demo­c­rat con­ven­tion is in August. The tapes are going to come out right before the con­ven­tion.
  • When Trump is the nom­i­nee Kemp will work to sup­port the nom­i­nee. But the nom­i­nat­ing rules often final­ized at the par­ties nom­i­nat­ing con­ven­tions indi­cat­ed how the del­e­gates are award­ed and how if need­ed can­di­dates might be replaced.
  • The deep state is work­ing to get rid of Joe on the demo­c­rat side and are work­ing to get rid of Trump on the repub­li­can side. And they will put in a deep state can­di­date that will do their bid­ding.

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