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Why? Kemp on ABC This Week Giving Advice?

  • Bri­an Kem­p’s full inter­view on ABC this week includ­ing advice to fel­low repub­li­cans to quit look­ing in the rearview mir­ror. There is a rea­son why these things are devel­op­ing.
  • This week we know the Fani Willis case may get removed from the case. There is a block­buster hear­ing that could be a key moment in the Ful­ton Trump case. Ful­ton Coun­ty Supe­ri­or Court Judge Scott McAfee has sched­uled an evi­den­tiary hear­ing for Feb 15. There is all this evi­dence out there with the facts. Since Fani Willis’ case and the divorce has come out about Nathan Wade, Burt Jones has been resur­fac­ing. You thought that the Burt Jones case was dis­missed as an alleged fake elec­tor. Lawyer wants Lt Gov Jones charged for serv­ing as Trump elec­tor.
  • They know that with every case they have they know they cant get a con­vic­tion. But it did­nt mat­ter with Joe Biden.
  • The AJC and democ­rats are dar­ing that the Trump fake elec­tors case die in Ful­ton Coun­ty.

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