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They Want You To Believe That Trump Lost Again

  • They want you to believe that Trump lost again. We would have 10 months with George San­tos being a num­ber. Just one more vote as a major­i­ty. But because repub­li­cans expelled him from Con­gress, Suozzi is the one the democ­rats put up as a very well known name in the dis­trict against a demo­c­rat.
  • Bri­an Kemps polit­i­cal stunt. He has been in the media, he has been to the bor­der. He has real­ly come out strong in the past cou­ple of weeks. He has ele­vat­ed his polit­i­cal game in the past week, mak­ing some sly anti trump com­ments. Telling the RNC to not crown a nom­i­nee. When Kemp appoints some­one to be a judge, Kemp picks some­one to go to the Gold Dome. Kemp has worked and put his mon­ey into Gary Richard­son. They are very upset with this race under the Gold Dome. If Gary wins Kemp gets anoth­er notch in his belt for the Great Trump Slay­er.
  • On March 12 both these guys will be on the bal­lot. CJ Pear­son and Don­ald Trump.
  • The nation­al secu­ri­ty issue is smoke and mir­rors.

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