Home / Georgia / Rep. Todd Jones Sponsors Another Georgia Police State Bill, HB986

Rep. Todd Jones Sponsors Another Georgia Police State Bill, HB986

It is Time for Todd Jones to Depart the Georgia General Assembly

The lat­est police-state leg­is­la­tion Geor­gia House Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Todd Jones (GA-25) has spon­sored, HB986, recent­ly passed the Geor­gia House, and present­ly resides in the Sen­ate where it is assigned to a com­mit­tee for review. We have spo­ken about the fact that in recent years much of Rep. Jones work as a law­mak­er has been to the effect of amass­ing police state pow­ers with­in the insti­tu­tions of state gov­ern­ment. And much of his effort has been car­ried out under the guise of pur­su­ing ever-ele­vat­ing lev­els of men­tal health among Geor­gias pop­u­la­tion, as that term may be defined by the state. There is no end to such an errand. The gov­ern­ment is the very insti­tu­tion cre­at­ing the con­di­tions under which men­tal health dete­ri­o­rates. The state cre­ates the prob­lem and Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jones appar­ent­ly attempts to fix it, demon­strat­ing a sort of sym­bi­ot­ic polit­i­cal rela­tion­ship between the two.

The insti­tu­tion estab­lished under law to repair men­tal health in Geor­gia is the Depart­ment of Behav­ioral Health and Devel­op­men­tal Dis­abil­i­ties, now firm­ly entrenched with a mul­ti-bil­lion dol­lar annu­al bud­get, such that it can nev­er go away and will only grow from here. Should, hypo­thet­i­cal­ly, this admin­is­tra­tive behe­moth actu­al­ly ful­fill its leg­isla­tive pur­pose, ele­vat­ing the lev­el of men­tal health in Geor­gias pop­u­la­tion to cer­tain accept­able arbi­trary stan­dards, to keep the mon­ster grow­ing and thriv­ing, its board mem­bers would sim­ply move the goal posts, and expand its man­date to encom­pass addi­tion­al pur­pos­es. That is what these peo­ple do.

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As an exam­ple, when I was a kid, the CDC in Decatur was actu­al­ly the Com­mu­ni­ca­ble Dis­ease Cen­ter. Its man­date was to treat ail­ments such as syphilis and gon­or­rhea. Its pri­ma­ry weapon in the fight against these dis­eases was a shot of peni­cillin. Peni­cillin was so easy and effec­tive that the com­mu­ni­ca­ble dis­eases the CDC was assigned to treat actu­al­ly van­ished. That being the case, did they close the CDC? Of course not. They rebrand­ed the CDC to become the, Cen­ter for Dis­ease Con­trol, expand­ing its pur­pose to study and treat every form of dis­ease known to mankind. So what hap­pened? As we saw dur­ing the lead-up and after­math of the 2020 elec­tion, that insti­tu­tion became a ver­i­ta­ble police state tool, using the pow­er of the expert opin­ion to dic­tate pol­i­cy to gov­ern the behav­ior of the entire Amer­i­can pop­u­la­tion, and heav­i­ly influ­ence world­wide gov­ern­men­tal pol­i­cy to con­trol pop­u­la­tions in prac­ti­cal­ly every coun­try around the world. They jus­ti­fied these police state pow­ers by push­ing the impres­sion of a need to deal with a ver­i­ta­ble bio-weapon, Covid-19, released against those pop­u­la­tions, by those same gov­ern­ments. Do you see how this works? Gov­ern­ment cre­ates the prob­lem, the peo­ples rep­re­sen­ta­tives, such as Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jones, cre­ate solu­tions to fix the prob­lems the gov­ern­ment cre­ates, and those solu­tions beget entire­ly new sets of prob­lems for the gov­ern­ment to fix, such as men­tal ill­ness. In the end, with­out the peo­ple notic­ing, a ver­i­ta­ble police state comes online, which the peo­ple pay for. And, sad­ly, what I describe is the dynam­ic under­ly­ing the push to pass HB986.


If It Aint Broke, Dont Fix It

The first hint that there is more than meets the eye with HB986 is that it is designed to fix a prob­lem that does­nt exist.Accord­ing to the leg­is­la­tion, its pur­pose is to pro­tectagainst the use of decep­tive media in bad faith to influ­ence elec­tions by reduc­ing cer­tain can­di­dates’ chances of being elect­ed or by sup­press­ing vot­er turnout through mass con­fu­sion.Where has this been a prob­lem? Where are all those vot­ers con­fused bythe use of decep­tive media in bad faith to influ­ence elec­tions?When it comes right down to it, prac­ti­cal­ly all polit­i­cal ads could be described as, decep­tive media. So, why is this brand of decep­tive media so spe­cial?

Accord­ing to the bill,decep­tive mediameansa video record­ing, video file, audio record­ing, or audio file, still image, or still image file that:

(A) Appears to depict a real indi­vid­u­al’s speech or con­duct that did not occur in real­i­ty;


(B) Would appear to a rea­son­able observ­er to be authen­tic.

Again, where has this been a prob­lem? Why are we spend­ing time and mon­ey fix­ing prob­lems that have nev­er hap­pened? And, assum­ing decep­tive media of the type described in the bill might be used to imper­son­ate a can­di­date doing or say­ing some­thing he or she did not do or say, would it not be easy enough for the tar­get­ed can­di­date to call foul, and point at his or her very dis­hon­est adver­sary to use it against him or her? This kind of decep­tive media could be used both ways.

AI, Simply a New brand of Fake News

The decep­tive media described in this bill is noth­ing but a new brand of exot­ic fake news. Yet, we have seen extreme­ly effec­tive fake news dis­sem­i­nat­ed by cor­po­rate media, spon­sored by gov­ern­ment agen­cies for years. And that kind of fake newsactu­al­ly does influ­ence elec­tions. Remem­ber the Ful­ton Coun­ty water main break the gov­ern­ment used to scat­ter poll watch­ers before the suit­cas­es came out from under the tables? How about Rus­si­a­gate? All that real­ly was fake news, which tru­ly did affect the 2020 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. Where was Jones on all that fake news? Why have we nev­er heard Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jones utter the first con­cern about the 2020 elec­tion? If Jones is so con­cerned about elec­tions, why did he not assail the cor­po­rate media for not imme­di­ate­ly report­ing the water main fake news as real? Why isnt Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jones craft­ing leg­is­la­tion to deal with that kind of real fake news, to pros­e­cute fake news out­lets and require news agen­cies to report the truth of events such as the fake water main break, such as Rus­si­a­gate, both of which real­ly did hap­pen, and real­ly did change an elec­tion, rather than fake news of a vari­ety that has nev­er occurred? Is HB986 going to empow­er the GBI to cross state lines and appre­hend high school-aged cyber-tal­ent­ed, meme mak­ers hav­ing fun in their par­ents base­ments? Will Geor­gia now become the first state in the union to sign onto an inter­state com­pact to fight high-tech meme mak­ing? Why would any­one vote for a bill such as HB986? Its pow­ers are absurd.

Now, I am not for the gov­ern­ment to enter into news report­ing busi­ness, not at all. I use these real life events, which very like­ly changed the out­come of the 2020 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion in Geor­gia, as an exam­ple of how ludi­crous HB986 is, select­ing a cer­tain exot­ic brand of poten­tial fake news and out­law­ing it. Why would Todd Jones spon­sor a bill like that? The answer is like­ly a cou­ple of rea­sons. Todd Jones looks real­ly bad and des­per­ate­ly needs a win. Two years ago, HB1013 got stripped of all the goody Jones hoped to cap­i­tal­ize on for his busi­ness. Last year, pub­lic out­cry caused HB520, which remains dor­mant but still alive, to lan­guish in sen­ate com­mit­tee. This year, on the sur­face, HB986 received a lot of votes in the House and went over to the Sen­ate. So, hes halfway home. HB986 claims to be about elec­tion integri­ty, a red meat issue for Repub­li­cans. What Repub­li­can would vote against elec­tion integri­ty? Not many. The fact is, how­ev­er, HB986 is not about elec­tion integri­ty at all. It is about hand­ing more and more police state pow­ers to our state gov­ern­ment and giv­ing Todd Jones a win to crow about dur­ing this years elec­tion sea­son.

Jones Sells AI He Hopes to Outlaw Others From Using

Not coin­ci­den­tal­ly, in pri­vate life Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jones sells arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence ser­vices as a part and par­cel of his Tal­itrix mon­i­tor­ing sys­tem pro­gram. The com­pa­ny sells its pro­pri­etary brand of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence to gov­ern­ing enti­ties. Jones AI soft­ware ana­lyzes the behav­ior of indi­vid­u­als forced by var­i­ous cir­cum­stances to wear his com­pa­nys GPS and bio­met­ric mon­i­tor­ing hard­ware. His AI com­put­er pro­gram gen­er­ates cer­tain pre­dic­tive ana­lyt­ics which gov­ern­ment agen­cies use to tai­lor and mod­i­fy their clients priv­i­leges under a cus­tomized com­pli­ance scor­ing sys­tem.

So, think about this. Accord­ing to Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jones, it is OK for the gov­ern­ment to pay him to use his own, per­son­al, AI plat­form to influ­ence pub­lic pol­i­cy to con­trol the per­son­al free­dom of human beings, bas­ing that con­trol on pro­grammed AI pre­dic­tions of future human behav­ior, mean­ing, of course,behav­ior that has not hap­pened yet, while at the same time he spon­sors leg­is­la­tion to deprive pri­vate human beings from using their own per­son­al AI soft­ware, Jones, again, attempt­ing tocon­trol behav­ior that has not hap­pened yet, such that those indi­vid­u­als can­not con­trol gov­ern­ment pol­i­cy in reverse.Put it this way, this sup­posed con­ser­v­a­tive Repub­li­can is glad for the gov­ern­ment to pay his com­pa­ny for AI soft­ware to help con­trol human beings, but does not want human beings to use their own AI soft­ware to con­trol the gov­ern­ment.

Its All Police State Stuff

Regard­less how you might use the author­i­ties of HB986, as is gen­er­al­ly the case with Todd Jones bills, togeth­er they are in fur­ther­ance of the same police state pow­ers Jones com­pa­ny pro­vides hard­ware and soft­ware to sup­port. Con­cen­trate on lines 58–60 below to under­stand what would hap­pen to an indi­vid­ual con­vict­ed of fraud­u­lent elec­tion inter­fer­ence, which in prin­ci­ple amounts to cre­at­ing what is noth­ing more than a high-tech meme depict­ing a can­di­date for office with­in 90-days of an elec­tion:

So, lets just assume Don­ald Trump wins Geor­gia in 2024. And lets assume that the decid­ing vote is cast in Ful­ton Coun­ty in a very tight race. And lets assume that 60 days pri­or to the Novem­ber elec­tion, regard­less what oppos­ing can­di­dates might say about it dur­ing the lead-up to the elec­tion, some com­put­er whizkid pub­lish­es a life­like graph­ic depict­ing Joe Biden shak­ing hands with a Mex­i­can drug car­tel boss over a bot­tle of Jose’ Cuer­vo. Regard­less of all things rea­son­able, as we now know, a Ful­ton Coun­ty Dis­trict Attor­ney will charge that indi­vid­ual withfraud­u­lent elec­tion inter­fer­ence, pun­ish­able by 2–5 years and $50K fine. That will hap­pen. We know it will hap­pen because indi­vid­u­als are now being charged with far more for doing far less by Ful­ton Coun­ty D.A. Fani Willis. And the law they will use to charge this indi­vid­ual will be HB986, spon­sored by Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Todd Jones.HB986 is every rogue pros­e­cu­tors favorite Christ­mas present.

Put it this way, this sup­posed con­ser­v­a­tive Repub­li­can is glad for the gov­ern­ment to pay his com­pa­ny for AI soft­ware to help con­trol humans, but does not want humans to use their own AI soft­ware to con­trol the gov­ern­ment.

Todd Jones is No Conservative Republican

HB986, spon­sored by con­ser­v­a­tive Repub­li­can Todd Jones, is yet anoth­er attempt by Jones to fur­ther the pur­pos­es of con­struct­ing the Amer­i­can police state. Why is he so pre­oc­cu­pied with con­trol­ling the free­dom of pri­vate cit­i­zens? Were Todd Jones real­ly a con­ser­v­a­tive Repub­li­can as he por­trays, he would be think­ing of ways to reign in state gov­ern­ment. He would be cham­pi­oning the pur­pose of small­er gov­ern­ment, of low­er­ing tax­es, of return­ing mas­sive gov­ern­ment sur­plus­es to the tax­pay­ers of Geor­gia. But no, instead of pro­mot­ing what con­ser­v­a­tive Repub­li­cans nat­u­ral­ly sup­port, Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Todd Jones pro­motes what Democ­rats sup­port, high­er tax­es, big­ger gov­ern­ment, ever-increas­ing gov­ern­ment con­trol over the lives of every­day cit­i­zens.Through var­i­ous cre­at­ed enti­ties and asso­ciates, as report­ed, Todd Jones com­pa­ny has giv­en mas­sive amounts of mon­ey to elect Demo­c­rat sher­iffs in both Ful­ton and Hen­ry Coun­ties.The Demo­c­rat sher­iff of Ful­ton Coun­ty is the one by whose order a mugshot was tak­en of Pres­i­dent Trump. That is who Todd Jones sup­ports. As report­ed, Jones, his com­pa­ny and relat­ed asso­ciates con­tributed almost eighty thou­sand dol­lars to elect a Demo­c­rat sher­iff in Ful­ton Coun­ty after which the sher­iff turned around and signed a con­tract with Jones com­pa­ny for over two mil­lions of dol­lars. Why isnt Fani Willis pros­e­cut­ing pay-to-play in this case? And because most of these kinds of activ­i­ties can be hid­den in var­i­ous ways from pub­lic expo­sure, it may take a con­cert­ed effort by teams of polit­i­cal arche­ol­o­gists many years in the future to deter­mine all the ways Todd Jones work as a Geor­gia rep­re­sen­ta­tive con­tributed to the destruc­tion of our once great and free coun­try.

It is Time for Todd Jones to Go

So, thats it. To all of my good Repub­li­can friends in Geor­gias 25th Dis­trict, it is time for a replace­ment. Todd Jones has stained your rep­u­ta­tion. Todd Jones does not rep­re­sent you or your inter­ests. He rep­re­sents his own inter­ests. Year after year, Todd Jones spon­sors leg­is­la­tion for his own bet­ter­ment, the bet­ter­ment of his com­pa­ny, Tal­itrix, and the fur­ther­ance of the police state. Year after year, Todd Jones works fever­ish­ly to increase state con­trol over the lives of pri­vate cit­i­zens. Doing so is not a Repub­li­can activ­i­ty. It is a Demo­c­rat activ­i­ty. Todd Jones and any num­ber of oth­er mem­bers of the Geor­gia Gen­er­al Assem­bly are real­ly Demo­c­rat-mind­ed indi­vid­u­als who could nev­er be elect­ed with a D next to their names. So, they swear an appro­pri­ate alle­giance, and claim to be a con­ser­v­a­tive Repub­li­cans. They are not. Do not fall for it.

But to unseat this entrenched Demo­c­rat wear­ing an R by his name, the 25th Dis­trict needs a wor­thy, tru­ly con­ser­v­a­tive can­di­date, one who is also tired of being rep­re­sent­ed by a Demo­c­rat mas­querad­ing as a Repub­li­can. Time for qual­i­fy­ing is upon us. Who among the 25th will step up and take the chal­lenge?

Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Todd Jones must go.

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