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We are at WAR. Democrats Hate America

  • Democ­rats hate Amer­i­ca. We have won a cou­ple of bat­tles and we are led to believe we are in the right direc­tion. We are in the midst of a war and it is far from over. We know they stole the 2020 elec­tion and how they are going to steal 2024. Tues­day is super tues­day.
  • They have been steal­ing the elec­tion in CA and NY for years. They have a jun­gle pri­ma­ry in CA. They dont have par­ty pri­maries like we have in GA. In CA every­one goes on the bal­lot in the pri­ma­ry. So after tomor­row the 2 that win will have to win the pri­ma­ry. Repub­li­can Steve Gar­vey at the top of the polls in CA against Adam Schiff, Katie Porter, Bar­bara Lee.
  • Side­note: Trump went to the bor­der, Biden went to the bor­der, New­som went to the bor­der.
  • Could it be that peo­ple arent buy­ing the Adam Schiff lies. They will not allow a repub­li­can win in CA. They will end up steal­ing the gen­er­al elec­tion.
  • Why GA judge wont dis­qual­i­fy Fani Willis judge is in a demo­c­rat dis­trict where he is up for vote in Novem­ber. McAfee knows he is in a box. Sad­ly he may not make the deci­sion based on the law. McAfee said that his deci­sion will take 2 weeks. Ful­ton coun­ty may be the largest ring of cor­rup­tion in the coun­try. They steal from the tax­pay­ers and maybe an elec­tion. McAfee has to go on the bal­lot in a demo­c­rat cor­rupt coun­ty.
  • This week is qual­i­fy­ing week in GA.
  • Tomor­row is super Tues­day. The state of Union is Thurs­day.

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