Home / National / Call To Action — Get Out The Vote for Trump & Stop Adam Schiff in CA

Call To Action — Get Out The Vote for Trump & Stop Adam Schiff in CA

  • Keep­ing it real Wednes­day.
  • The Schumer minibus has tax­pay­er fund­ed sex par­ties. $1M to LGBT cen­ter known as Way­Gay. And even Fet­ter­man removes his vote for the mon­ey for the cen­ter.
  • Because the first 9 shots did not pro­tect you cdc direc­tor says covid 19 shot #10 is com­ing this fall.
  • Call to Action today. #1 Trump will win but we have to turn out in such num­bers that our team nation wide that is watch­ing for the steal, that they can catch the anom­alies as it is hap­pen­ing while we are vot­ing in mass num­bers.
  • #2 We have to stop Adam Schiff. They are going to tell you the rea­son that Gavey is sec­ond is because Schiff spent so much mon­ey against Gar­vey that it ele­vat­ed his can­di­da­cy.
  • What hap­pened to the sub­urbs that were sup­posed to break for Nik­ki Haley. We know where her votes are com­ing from but it is not the sub­urbs. Nik­ki is sup­posed to exit the pres­i­den­tial races, where do her votes go? This is the busi­ness mod­el to manip­u­late the peo­ple to main­tain the deep state. It is all a set up.. Where will all those vot­ers go? Remem­ber in 2016 we had 17 can­di­dates, where did those vot­ers go? Every­time you hear repub­li­can vot­ers, there are an enor­mous num­ber of Amer­i­cans that dont relate to a par­ty and wont answer the phones.
  • This is the nar­ra­tive that they will run till Octo­ber Where do the votes go? This is not repub­li­can vs demo­c­rat. This is good vs evil. MSNBC and CNN lay out their game plan.

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