Home / Featured Segments / Fani Willis Case Is A Landmark Case, Will She Be Dismissed?

Fani Willis Case Is A Landmark Case, Will She Be Dismissed?

  • Charles Barkley is a paid spokesper­son as he dou­bles down on crit­i­cism of black peo­ple wear­ing Trump mugshot merch.
  • We broke down the peace­ful trans­fer of pow­er this week. Do you think the Sec­re­tary of State of Col­orado would cer­ti­fy the Trump win, when she thought that it was her place to take Trump off the bal­lot. They will get their day in court to com­bat the win, when we did not. They will have sec­re­tary of states that wont cer­ti­fy and gov­er­nors that wont cer­ti­fy.
  • This week is qual­i­fy­ing week in GA. Fani qual­i­fied for a sec­ond term in office. Judge McAfee has to be on the bal­lot. We are wait­ing on McAfees deci­sion. We know they lied on the stand. He has to dis­miss Fani from the case. Remem­ber there are crim­i­nals that have been con­vict­ed because of phone records. And if Fani Willis is not removed from the case, every case that has used phone records to con­vict crim­i­nals will crum­ble. Not to men­tion that you have a DA and attor­ney that has lied on the stand.
  • We wont be shocked if McAfee does­nt remove Fani but this is a land­mark case. They have per­jured them­selves and the phone records will cause dam­age to oth­er cas­es where con­vic­tions have hap­pened because of the phone records, caus­ing crim­i­nals to be released.
  • Tonight they will high­light that today Swe­den is offi­cial­ly a mem­ber of NATO with the Prime Min­is­ter sit­ting with Jill Biden. Won­der if it is a coin­ci­dence. Sean Fain will be with Jill, the democ­rats have a major prob­lem with the auto work­er union. A Kennedy will be in the gallery. Uvalde school shoot­ing sis­ter. Naval­nys wid­ow was invit­ed but gave Biden the snub. Zelen­skyys wife snubbed Biden, you know she likes to shop with our mon­ey.
  • Katie Hobbs does­nt want to give the green light to arrest in AZ, we have to have com­pas­sion.

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