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Liberal Policy Consequences — War, High Taxes, Stuffing Pockets

  • Three peo­ple are killed in a Houthi mis­sile attack on a car­go ship off south­ern Yemen. We are at war. They are not talk­ing about it and don’t want you to know about it.
  • Vio­lent crime is get­ting so bad in NYC sub­ways that Gov­er­nor Kathy Hochul is deploy­ing 1,000 Nation­al Guards­men, state police and MTA police to patrol them. They are con­cerned about a ter­ror­ist attack in NYC.
  • Keep in mind that Don­ald Trump’s tax plan expires in the next admin­is­tra­tion. If we dont have the house sen­ate and the white house, who knows what will hap­pen. Tonight in the State of the Union Address, Joe Biden will tar­get super rich and cor­po­rate Amer­i­cans with sweep­ing tax ris­es to include hik­ing min­i­mum cor­po­rate tax from 21% to 25% and a min­i­mum 25% tax for bil­lion­aires.
  • Oba­ma is in his 3rd term and when he is in his 4th term, you give the Sen­ate to Chuck and House to Nan­cy and the White House back to Biden and give the coun­try to be con­trolled by com­mit­tee.
  • Biden is going to tell you that he under­stand that ille­gals are a big prob­lem. But he will tell you that Sen­ate repub­li­cans block bipar­ti­san bor­der pack­age, scrap­ping deal they had demand­ed from democ­rats. Sen­ate gop blocks bor­der deal future of ukraine and israel aid unclear. Repub­li­cans kill bor­der bill in a sign of Trump’s strength.
  • 83 repub­li­cans and 2 dems vot­ing no but the minibus passed.
  • Andrew Clyde: Its no secret that major wins for the Amer­i­can peo­ple were sur­ren­dered dur­ing back­room nego­ti­a­tions. But what did make it into the Swamps spend­ing bill? 605 pages of ear­marks worth $12.6 bil­lion. It ulti­mate­ly passed with MORE DEMOCRAT votes than Repub­li­can votes which, unfor­tu­nate­ly, has been the norm for every must pass bill in our Repub­li­can major­i­ty.
  • Thomas Masse: One Repub­li­can Sen­a­tor gets 8 ear­marks in the omnibus today. No one vot­ed to add these and no one gets to vote to take these out. We have gone back­wards 14 years, to before the 2010 Tea Par­ty wave. The swamp is back to buy­ing Repub­li­can votes for the omnibus with ear­marks. The Repub­li­can Sen­a­tor is Lind­sey Gra­ham with $34 Mil­lion in Com­mu­ni­ty Devel­op­ment Fund.

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