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Side By Side Campaign of Trump and Biden

  • They are going to run a side by side cam­paign of Trump and Biden. It will be that Trump and MAGA are bad. The manip­u­la­tion and mind con­trol of the Mock­ing­bird media will con­tin­ue through to Novem­ber. We know they stole the elec­tion in 2020, we caught them steal­ing and they are ner­vous about return­ing to the scene of the crime. Duel­ing Ral­lies in a pur­ple state. Joe Biden and his cam­paign did not announce it to the pub­lic. It was a tight select group that was allowed in.
  • Trump meets with Lak­en Riley’s par­ents, fam­i­ly and friends. Biden is apol­o­giz­ing for call­ing the killer an ille­gal.
  • Trump leaves the ral­ly in GA and goes to Mia­mi for the UFC event.
  • You have wit­nessed the cor­rup­tion from lead­ers on the stand in a cour­t­house in Ful­ton coun­ty. The vote has to come out so strong­ly in the 9th and 14th to over­come the cor­rup­tion in Atlanta.


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