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Election Integrity, Can it be Restored?

Sub­mit­ted by George McClellen

Our First Amend­ment con­tin­ues to be the whip­ping post for Pro­gres­sives who are deter­mined to make Amer­i­ca social­ists. They keep us divid­ed by stir­ring up fric­tion between the races, by utter­ing threats of anoth­er pan­dem­ic com­ing, they think will force Amer­i­cans back to wear­ing those inef­fec­tive face masks again and, being forced to sub­mit to their dead­ly pop­u­la­tion con­trol jabs. There is push back and wher­ev­er it appears the Pro­gres­sive media attempts to dis­cred­it it or force it off social media sites by col­lab­o­ra­tive cen­sor­ship. Medi­a’s left­ist nim­rod Stephanie Ruh­le of MSNBC, had the gall to com­plain about how any­one, speak­ing direct­ly about Elon Musk and Bill Ack­er­man, should be allowed to use social media to spread their opin­ions with­out con­se­quences? Of course, the same can be said about MSNBC.

We are now off and run­ning into the 2024 pres­i­den­tial elec­tion cycle and Trump, despite car­ry­ing the bag­gage of count­less sil­ly indite­ments by Pro­gres­sive loonies deter­mined to keep him out of the White House, is scar­ing em to death. Trump Derange­ment Symp­tom (TDS) has entered the med­ical books as a new treat­able dis­ease just like trans­gen­derism. I have no doubt the Democ­rats will attempt to steal this elec­tion and claim all three seats of pow­er. They need to do that and, if that hap­pens, were done! They are prepar­ing for it now and it will be a repeat of their suc­cess­ful bal­lot har­vest­ing schemes of 2020. How do we pro­tect the vot­ing process? Con­ser­v­a­tives must find tough peo­ple to act as poll watch­ers and super­vise local elec­tions to ensure only reg­is­tered vot­ers with prop­er pho­to ID are allowed to vote but more specif­i­cal­ly, to be present when count­ing the bal­lots. To rein­force elec­tion integri­ty ear­ly vot­ing should be dis­con­tin­ued. Bal­lots turned in after the polls close should sim­ply be dis­card­ed as fraud­u­lent and retained as evi­dence in a tri­al of cor­rupt elec­tion boards super­vi­sors. Sus­pect bal­lots must be pro­tect­ed by a Sher­iffs Depart­ment until all ques­tions of bal­lot integri­ty and legit­i­ma­cy are set­tled.

Bonafide con­ser­v­a­tive observers should be instruct­ed to nev­er, under any cir­cum­stances, unless flames are engulf­ing the build­ing, aban­don their posts. We see that cor­rup­tion takes place out of sight. Putting paper over win­dows to hide their skul­dug­gery from view should not be allowed. Any change in the count­ing process, even minor ones, must be agreed to by all poll work­ers of con­tend­ing par­ties. Com­bined search­es by poll work­ers to seek hid­den box­es under shelves should be con­duct­ed before polls open and again before they close and, with a law enforce­ment offi­cer in atten­dance. To find uncount­ed bal­lots the morn­ing after an elec­tion is a sure sign of an attempt at elec­tion theft and must be imme­di­ate­ly exposed. The mail-in bal­lot process has got to be recon­sid­ered and once agreed to, close­ly observed. Vot­er rolls must be cleansed of the dead and relo­cat­ed vot­ers before elec­tions. We can­not con­tin­ue to tol­er­ate cor­rupt and crim­i­nal gov­ern­ments at any lev­el, espe­cial­ly Demo­c­rat elec­tion boards.

Most Amer­i­cans are not stu­pid. They see what is going on but most just dont know how to get involved to make it count. We accept that Trump will clean house, trust­ing hell get there to do it. We expect Repub­li­cans to retain the House and recap­ture the Sen­ate. I am not san­guine that we will see a fair and hon­est elec­tion tak­ing place this next Novem­ber, nor in the promis­es of either par­ty claim­ing to rep­re­sent us and pro­tect our rights and our coun­try. The cor­rup­tion runs too deep and wide to assume that well be able to defend it with­out vio­lence. They will turn vio­lent if they must to pro­tect their skull­dug­gery and keep con­ser­v­a­tives away from the count­ing bench. On the orga­nized side, con­ser­v­a­tive groups must close­ly watch their Sec­re­tary of States and Gov­er­nors move to inde­pen­dent­ly change rules of elec­tions to appease the oth­er side (Democ­rats), just as the rules and pro­ce­dures for vot­ing in Geor­gia were changed right before the elec­tion, blam­ing the pan­dem­ic lock downs when it had noth­ing to do with vot­ing.

Cen­sor­ship goes against the very nature of a democ­ra­cy and the peo­ple must have access to all infor­ma­tion, regard­less of the thoughts or desires of those in pow­er.

Remem­ber, free­dom is the goal, the Con­sti­tu­tion is the way. Now, go get involved! (08Mar24)

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