Home / National / China Saying Hey Mexico Can I Use Your Discount Card

China Saying Hey Mexico Can I Use Your Discount Card

  • Trump is putting every safe­guard in place. Things that had to be cor­rect­ed in 2016 are now cor­rect­ed and things that need­ed to be dupli­cat­ed in 2016 are now hit­ting.
  • We know why they are talk­ing about wom­ens health, blood­bath, jan 6. They have done every­thing they can to col­lapse mid­dle amer­i­ca and the abil­i­ty for you and I to live and own a house.
  • The Sen­ate takes up the tik­tok ban after pas­sage by the house. No in favor of Chi­na or our gov­ern­ment spy­ing on Amer­i­can peo­ple. Tik­tok is being used to get you to believe we are push­ing against Chi­na and they are pro­tect­ing our chil­dren. And that is the fur­thest from the truth, that they are pro­tect­ing our chil­dren. They want to have coun­selors in schools.
  • This is noth­ing against Chi­nese or Mex­i­can peo­ple. Mex­i­co is the ene­my of the Unit­ed States. For the first time in 2 decades the US buys more from Mex­i­co than Chi­na. Mex­i­co takes Chi­nas crown as Amer­i­c­as Biggest bilat­er­al trad­ing part­ner. There will be a day that Chi­na will say Check­mate. Chi­na is sur­round­ing the US. Go take a look where Chi­na is putting bases in South Amer­i­ca (Venezuela) there is a camp of Chi­nese men in the Darien gap in Pana­ma.
  • When Trump went into office in 2016 he put tar­iffs on things com­ing in from Chi­na. The Chi­nese knew all along while Trump was in office that they would not be able to get a work around. Chi­na wants Joe Biden, Rus­sia wants Joe Biden, South Amer­i­ca wants Joe Biden. Chi­na did a work around, that is why it is com­ing from Mex­i­co. That is why Mex­i­co receives direct ship­ments from Chi­na.
  • The deep state says they have to run cov­er on the Trump Truth bombs. They are beg­ging OH, WI and PA not to leave the Biden camp. If you live in MI you know where the auto plants went.
  • Chi­nese com­pa­nies are look­ing into build­ing EV car fac­to­ries in Mex­i­co to take advan­tage of the Mex­i­co-US-Cana­da trade agree­ment and avoid hefty tar­iffs on imports of elec­tric vehi­cles com­ing direct­ly from Chi­na.
  • Mex­i­co is on board. This is like get­ting the employ­ee dis­count at the store. Mex­i­co took 34% of the US auto man­u­fac­tur­ing now get­ting the Chi­na EV auto man­u­fac­tur­ing.
  • Hey Mex­i­co can I use your dis­count card to get into the US
  • Who is our clos­est ally? Mex­i­co seems to be choos­ing Chi­na
  • Tyson Foods boy­cotted as it sacks 1300 staff at Iowa pork plant and offers job and lawyer pack­ages in bid to hire 42K ille­gals in NY.
  • Dont for­get the job num­bers keep com­ing out. The peo­ple that are par­tic­i­pat­ing in the work­force are not com­ing back. There are Amer­i­cans that have 3 part time jobs. And Amer­i­cans are get­ting laid off and replaced by ille­gals.
  • The ille­gals are not going back. They are get­ting legal help, they are get­ting a job. The Unit­ed States Cham­ber of Com­merce says you can stay. The Amer­i­can Mid­dle Class is los­ing, ille­gals are replac­ing you.
  • Chi­na Tik­Tok is a smoke screen and why they are going nuts in OH on Sat­ur­day. It is clear who the ene­my is and what the work around is.

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