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Donald Trump Sparks Liberal Media Meltdown

  • Tik­tok is a spy tool. It is not ok that Chi­na spies on you, Russ­ian spies on you. But our own gov­ern­ment is spy­ing on you. There is a list of your social media and inter­net brows­ing, your pur­chas­ing, etc. Every­thing you do or say is cat­a­loged.
  • MSNBC is run­ning an ad to find a J6er. Things are being weaponized against its own peo­ple.
  • AK rescinds gen­der-neu­tral dri­ver’s license pol­i­cy. Sarah Huck­abee Sanders rescind­ed Asa Hutchen­son law.
  • Don­ald Trump sparks lib­er­al media melt­down after warn­ing there will be a Blood­bath if he los­es the elec­tion. Trump won the 2016 elec­tion, they planned a pan­dem­ic to steal the 2020 elec­tion, J6 would not have hap­pened if they did­nt steal an elec­tion. You are mak­ing a lot of promis­es, please keep those promis­es to restore Amer­i­ca.
  • Biden Har­ris dou­bles down on Trump’s threats of polit­i­cal vio­lence. We got a pic­ture of Joe barn­storm­ing. After the SOTU, Biden’s approval rat­ing falls to all time low so he is blitz­ing in cam­paign stops.
  • This is the real blood­bath NYC sub­way shoot­ing is what hap­pens when law­less­ness col­lides with tol­er­ance and diver­si­ty.
  • Trump intent to incite polit­i­cal vio­lence
  • Mex­i­co is allow­ing these crim­i­nals into our coun­try.. For those who are yelling Chi­na, why arent you yelling Mex­i­co. Mex­i­co is allow­ing Chi­na to dump these prod­ucts into our coun­try and facil­i­tat­ing Chi­na to dump these mur­der­ers and crim­i­nals into our coun­try. Mex­i­co is help­ing to col­lapse our coun­try.
  • Joe Biden is run­ning as fast as he can on com­bustible engines. We are prepar­ing this coun­try for a Chi­na takeover that far exceeds a Tik­tok spy­ing plat­form. Chi­na is about to dump all these cheap EVs. They are going to col­lapse the auto indus­try and it will be a blood­bath.
  • Nik­ki Haley is sup­port­ing a No Labels can­di­date.

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