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J6 Committee Needs To Be In Jail For Election Interference

  • They dont show you the pic­ture of Ash­li Bab­bitt mur­dered on the floor. They dont show you peo­ple calm­ly mov­ing about the capi­tol. They only show the mob out­side the capi­tol. There are sev­er­al states that have tried to take Don­ald Trump off the bal­lot because of the left­’s lies in what hap­pened on Jan­u­ary 6. As Trump’s first act as pres­i­dent he will release the J6 hostages. Remem­ber the J6 select com­mit­tee, the repub­li­cans were sup­posed to be able to put up their rep­re­sen­ta­tives but Jim Jor­dan was not allowed. Nan­cy denied them. She would only accept Adam Kinzinger and Liz Chaney. Remem­ber the select com­mit­tee brought in the cry­ing capi­tol police were there as part of the pro­duc­tion. These peo­ple need to go to prison for how they false­ly tried to accuse Trump of wrong­do­ing.
  • Liz Changey and the J6 com­mit­tee sup­pressed exon­er­at­ing evi­dence of Trump’s push for nation­al guard. This whole com­mit­tee was set up to play a role to stop Trump from ever run­ning again and to steal the 2024 elec­tion. This com­mit­tee was set up to save the Deep State and to secure Oba­ma’s 4th term.
  • Cas­sidy Hutchin­sons J6 com­mit­tee tes­ti­mo­ny about Trump lung­ing at the dri­ver was not cor­rob­o­rat­ed by 4 White House offi­cials. He did not lunge for any­one’s throat or grab the steer­ing wheel.
  • We dont need anoth­er com­mit­tee, they are noth­ing but dra­ma and pro­duc­tion. The DOJ needs to inves­ti­gate these peo­ple and put them in jail.
  • Blinken is going to give $300M for Haiti. Bill Clin­ton was UN spe­cial envoy to Haiti and Hillary was Sec­re­tary of State. Why did­nt aid mon­ey go to Haiti dur­ing the mas­sive earth­quake dur­ing that time. Haiti has fall­en to gangs and is now throw­ing $300M to Haiti. The Clin­tons robbed Haiti blind. Bil­lions went to Haiti through the Clin­ton Foun­da­tion and it got dis­persed to Friends of Bill. The mon­ey going to Ukraine, Israel and South Pacif­ic are going to friends of every time you send out for­eign aid it goes to friends of some­one, and that some­one is not you.
  • Biden unveils mas­sive $7.3T bud­get with $5.5T in tax hikes, plans for high­est bur­den in US his­to­ry. You are going to wish you had paid atten­tion to the tax code and dont fall for the $400K lie.

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