Home / Georgia / Wade Was Hired As A Private Attorney For The Fulton Co DA Office

Wade Was Hired As A Private Attorney For The Fulton Co DA Office

  • Wade was hired as a pri­vate attor­ney for the Ful­ton Co DA office. The Judge will always find their state­ment to match what they want to lead you to believe. Scott McAfee worked for Fani Willis in the DA office. He donat­ed to Fani Willis. He knows that there was enough evi­dence pre­sent­ed that Wade, Willis and Ter­rance per­jured them­selves.
  • Fani Willis and Judge McAfee both have chal­lengers in the Ful­ton Coun­ty pri­ma­ry. If he removes Fani he could be charged with elec­tion inter­fer­ence. If he does­nt he will help his elec­tion. Every one of the counts that McAfee removed all sur­round­ed the phone call. Remem­ber the find me the votes book, it played a role in remov­ing the counts that Judge removed.
  • This case has to be thrown out.
  • They are try­ing to pre­pare the No Labels cam­paign and kick it off. They need to have a pres­i­den­tial can­di­date that is not Trump and Biden. Pence will not be endors­ing Trump. Watch the ones that will say they will sup­port the nom­i­nee. Haley will not endorse Don­ald Trump, nei­ther will Chris Christie, Cas­sidy. This was a total set up by Nik­ki Haley and her cam­paign. Elise Bak­er was not on the abc show with­out the Nik­ki Haley cam­paign know­ing it. Elise Bak­er was a senior advi­sor of the Nik­ki Haley cam­paign. They are hop­ing this is a strike on Trump.
  • GA Attor­ney Gen­er­al Chris Carr said Sat­ur­day that hes explor­ing legal options to chal­lenge the NCAAs trans­gen­der poli­cies after more than a dozen col­lege ath­letes filed a law­suit in fed­er­al dis­trict court in Atlanta accus­ing the orga­ni­za­tion of vio­lat­ing their Title 9 rights.
  • Keep an eye on, North Korea launched three bal­lis­tic mis­siles towards the Sea of Japan. Rock­ets green fell out­side Japan’s exclu­sive zone.

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