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Whenever They Do Anything, Look For The Corruption

  • Truth Jus­tice Amer­i­can Way
  • We are on Fani Willis Watch today and tomor­row. Will McAfee dis­miss Fani Willis from the case? When­ev­er they do any­thing, look for the cor­rup­tion.
  • Ban­ning Tik­Tok passed over­whelm­ing­ly. We must pro­tect our chil­dren now? Now you have to say that it is caus­ing addic­tion prob­lems and affect­ing our chil­dren. You could have stopped fen­tanyl and closed the bor­der. You can stop sports bet­ting. Tik­tok has tak­en users from Face­book and we cant have that. But we cant come togeth­er for fis­cal respon­si­bil­i­ty.
  • All the infor­ma­tion that you do on the inter­net and the data path­way leaves this coun­try. Do not allow these law­mak­ers to lead you to believe that we have to can­cel tik­tok to pro­tect our kids. The gov­ern­ment wants to con­trol the nar­ra­tive. Face­book is declin­ing and young peo­ple are not going to face­book. The young peo­ple use insta­gram and they have Reels and tik­tok is out­pac­ing the insta­gram reels. Dont for­get that Zucker­berg is the same guy that manip­u­lat­ed and sent mon­ey to these swing states to steal the elec­tion.
  • If you have an option of believ­ing Joe Biden and MSNBC or Putin and Carl­son, which one do you believe? If you have an option of trust­ing tik­tok or face­book (Mark Zucker­berg) with your data, which one? They cant secure the bor­der but they can push the Tik­tok vote 352–65 with­in 48 hours.
  • The Chi­nese fly a bal­loon over the coun­try to col­lect the data on our mil­i­tary bases. And you’re ok that the Chi­nese own the beef pro­cess­ing in the US.

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