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Why The Focus On Adam Schiff?

  • We know that cor­rupt Joe Biden broke a lot of laws with the doc­u­ments. We know he read and gave doc­u­ments to a ghost writer.
  • Adam Schiff said you knew that this would be use­ful lan­guage in a cam­paign. With 85% of the vote count­ed, Adam Schiff is run­ning behind Steve Gar­vey. Will Schiff be able to over­come the vote? The mock­ing­bird media is high­light­ing Adam Schiff. They dont want you to talk about the vote in Cal­i­for­nia. There has been a mass exo­dus of the tax base from Cal­i­for­nia. They dont want to talk about the issues in Cal­i­for­nia, the home­less, the ille­gals, the drugs, and crime. They are con­cerned about los­ing Cal­i­for­nia.
  • Infla­tion is back high­er, Gas prices surge. It is tick­ing upwards. Con­sumer Price Index comes in hot for sec­ond straight month. GA tax col­lec­tions off in Feb­ru­ary as rev­enue slump con­tin­ues.
  • How many law­mak­ers got up and walked out as the trans pas­tor at the GA leg­is­la­ture to address the leg­is­la­ture in morn­ing prayer with the top­ic love your neigh­bors as you love your­selves. BKP called for Jon Burns to be removed as speak­er of the house imme­di­ate­ly. When it comes to your true val­ues and con­vic­tions, every­one runs the oth­er way. But when it comes to dra­ma, every­one is present. Dont go to church on Sun­day and go to the Gold Dome and allow this to hap­pen.
  • It needs to be ok to be a chris­t­ian.

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