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Destroy Opposition Credibility To Keep The Zombie Society

  • There were no sig­na­ture ver­i­fi­ca­tions on 147K mail in bal­lots in Ful­ton Coun­ty in the 2020 elec­tion. The coun­ty could­nt pro­vide any chain of cus­tody or video footage of the count to the board of elec­tions. This came out in the dis­bar­ment case for Jef­frey Clark.
  • It is up to us to remind our neigh­bors on a dai­ly basis the cor­rup­tion that is try­ing to destroy the Amer­i­ca we know and love. Amer­i­ca has val­ues, they are on the edge of exten­sion and the work is being done to remove the Amer­i­can val­ues in our school, com­mu­ni­ties. This elec­tion is the oppor­tu­ni­ty to restore Amer­i­can Val­ues.
  • Dont for­get what they have done. The bal­ance of pow­er, if repub­li­cans do not get the Sen­ate and House in Novem­ber to get Trump through the fin­ish line. Remem­ber the death toll of Covid won­der what would have hap­pened if there was sur­vival data that was dis­played. What if bonus­es were not paid for Covid deaths, a prof­it scheme. What if tril­lions of dol­lars would not have been print­ed.
  • The Zom­bie Soci­ety. All they have to do if you go into a med­ical facil­i­ty and if there is any news of an uptick in Covid and peo­ple will start wear­ing masks.
  • Imme­di­ate push for an injec­tion to ben­e­fit big phar­ma, print mon­ey to ben­e­fit politi­cians, to push fear to get a zom­bie soci­ety.
  • They must destroy every­one: Peter Navar­ro, Jeff Clark, Don­ald Trump, BKP.
  • If they get what they want if you speak up you can not be cred­itable and must go to prison. They have to destroy your cred­i­bil­i­ty. Because they cant risk los­ing the Zom­bie Soci­ety.
  • This has all been planned in Brus­sels. DC is where they pro­duce the TV shows. They are all fundrais­ing.
  • Your Free­dom of Speech, Free­dom to Assem­ble, Free­dom to car­ry weapons. If every mech­a­nism is in place to do away with your free­dom to replace it with their free­dom, we are not a democ­ra­cy, we are a union. In 1812 Jack­son went down the Mis­sis­sip­pi to fight the British to save the union. They have been beat­ing the drums to save the democ­ra­cy, they are switch­ing the repub­lic union. Now there is the shift to their free­dom you are free up to this point. If they are going to take your guns. You cant fight back.
  • They are try­ing to make your free­dom of speech, all these things are get­ting checked off while they are talk­ing about Ukraine fund­ing and vot­ing to vacate. While no one talks about the DOJ launch­ing the Nation­al Extreme Risk Pro­tec­tion order resource cen­ter. Kamala Har­ris announces two gun safe­ty solu­tions while con­tin­u­ing efforts to keep schools safe from gun vio­lence.
  • What hap­pens in April.. The FBI vio­lat­ed amer­i­can cit­i­zens 4A rights 278K times. Bureau blast­ed over attempt to put gloss on Sec­tion 702. Con­gress has until April 19th to reau­tho­rize it.
  • If you want to change this coun­try, elect Don­ald J Trump. Change your board of edu­ca­tion. Grad­u­a­tion rates are tied to how much mon­ey the school gets. Get some­one on the board that will stop the destruc­tion of our chil­dren, they are groom­ing your chil­dren to be gen­der­less.

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