Destroy Opposition Credibility To Keep The Zombie Society
- There were no signature verifications on 147K mail in ballots in Fulton County in the 2020 election. The county couldnt provide any chain of custody or video footage of the count to the board of elections. This came out in the disbarment case for Jeffrey Clark.
- It is up to us to remind our neighbors on a daily basis the corruption that is trying to destroy the America we know and love. America has values, they are on the edge of extension and the work is being done to remove the American values in our school, communities. This election is the opportunity to restore American Values.
- Dont forget what they have done. The balance of power, if republicans do not get the Senate and House in November to get Trump through the finish line. Remember the death toll of Covid wonder what would have happened if there was survival data that was displayed. What if bonuses were not paid for Covid deaths, a profit scheme. What if trillions of dollars would not have been printed.
- The Zombie Society. All they have to do if you go into a medical facility and if there is any news of an uptick in Covid and people will start wearing masks.
- Immediate push for an injection to benefit big pharma, print money to benefit politicians, to push fear to get a zombie society.
- They must destroy everyone: Peter Navarro, Jeff Clark, Donald Trump, BKP.
- If they get what they want if you speak up you can not be creditable and must go to prison. They have to destroy your credibility. Because they cant risk losing the Zombie Society.
- This has all been planned in Brussels. DC is where they produce the TV shows. They are all fundraising.
- Your Freedom of Speech, Freedom to Assemble, Freedom to carry weapons. If every mechanism is in place to do away with your freedom to replace it with their freedom, we are not a democracy, we are a union. In 1812 Jackson went down the Mississippi to fight the British to save the union. They have been beating the drums to save the democracy, they are switching the republic union. Now there is the shift to their freedom you are free up to this point. If they are going to take your guns. You cant fight back.
- They are trying to make your freedom of speech, all these things are getting checked off while they are talking about Ukraine funding and voting to vacate. While no one talks about the DOJ launching the National Extreme Risk Protection order resource center. Kamala Harris announces two gun safety solutions while continuing efforts to keep schools safe from gun violence.
- What happens in April.. The FBI violated american citizens 4A rights 278K times. Bureau blasted over attempt to put gloss on Section 702. Congress has until April 19th to reauthorize it.
- If you want to change this country, elect Donald J Trump. Change your board of education. Graduation rates are tied to how much money the school gets. Get someone on the board that will stop the destruction of our children, they are grooming your children to be genderless.