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Marjorie Taylor Greene/Brian Pritchard News Story Larger than VJ (Victory in Japan) Day

A Completely Unnatural Set of Events

For kicks, do this. Go to Google and search the Inter­net for the fol­low­ing:

mar­jorie tay­lor greene bri­an pritchard

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Thats what I did and was amazed to find page after page of essen­tial­ly the same sto­ry, dozens of arti­cles, from all around the world, announc­ing that the elec­tion-deny­ing talk show host and Geor­gia GOP 1st Vice Chair Bri­an K. Pritchard (BKP) vot­ed ille­gal­ly 9 times, some sto­ries claim­ing the elec­tion denier com­mit­ted elec­tion fraud him­self.

Page after page after page after page of these, from all over Amer­i­ca, Cana­da, Europe, even Sin­ga­pore

In my search, I even dis­cov­ered a recentYouTube videoon the Pres­i­den­tial Moments: Speech­es and Actions chan­nel, fea­tur­ing a com­put­er­ized voice report­ing,In a land­mark deci­sion, Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty offi­cial Bri­an Pritchard has been found guilty of ille­gal­ly vot­ing nine times across sev­er­al years. Pritchard, the first vice chair­man of the…

Land­mark deci­sion? Real­ly? Come on, peo­ple. This is get­ting fun­ny.

This glob­al assault on the now famous, or per­haps infa­mous Bri­an Pritchard, own­er and oper­a­tor ofvoiceofruralamerica.com, cov­ered in news sto­ries by sources around the world, appears to have been trig­gered, and arranged to occur last week once Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Mar­jorie Tay­lor Greene (R‑GA14) (MTG) tweet­ed the fol­low­ing:

That one tweet from MTG, link­ing to one post­ed by Atlanta Jour­nal-Con­sti­tu­tion polit­i­cal reporter Greg Bluestein, start­ed the entire show off. And make no mis­take, this was a show. A cen­tu­ry or two from now, arche­ol­o­gists study­ing the destruc­tion of Amer­i­ca will exam­ine these events to dis­cov­er how, for exam­ple, one Gustaf Kilan­der,writ­ing osten­si­bly from Sin­ga­pore, learned of the so-called, land­mark deci­sion to which I refer, in order to write the fol­low­ing:

Amuse your­self and per­form anoth­er search using just the first few words in Gustafs arti­cle, and you will find dozens more arti­cles essen­tial­ly say­ing the same thing, in much the same way as Mr. Kilan­der. There is no deny­ing, this is a show, one designed to pres­sure the removal of BKP, who oth­er­wise remains one step away from becom­ing Chair­man of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty, present­ly occu­py­ing the posi­tion as 1st Vice Chair­man, elect­ed to that post last June dur­ing the statewide Colum­bus GOP con­ven­tion.

An exam­plle of the efforts launched against GOP 1st Chair Bri­an Pritchard

Odd­ly enough, in her tweet we find ultra-con­ser­v­a­tive Mar­jorie Tay­lor Greene play­ing off a tweet post­ed by ultra-lib­er­al, AJC polit­i­cal writer, Greg Bluestein. Those two nev­er agree on any­thing. Yet, sud­den­ly, they agree on Bri­an Pritchard, just in time for a world­wide media assault to begin against the Elli­jay polit­i­cal commentator/1st vice chair­man. Yes, Greene and Bluestein agree on noth­ing, except Bri­an Pritchard, attack­ing BKP in a one-two punch, obvi­ous­ly attempt­ing to pres­sure him to step down from his posi­tion as a Geor­gia GOP exec­u­tive.

Why would these two per­son­al­i­ties, one from the far left, one from the far right, team togeth­er on a mis­sion to pres­sure BKP to step down from from his posi­tion? Well, for vari­ety of rea­sons.

From his per­spec­tive on the left, last July Bluestein jumped to report Pritchards on-the-air roast of Greene for (1) split­ting with the Free­dom Cau­cus, (2) ally­ing with then House Speak­er Kevin McCarthy, (3) vot­ing to raise the debt ceil­ing, (4) crit­i­ciz­ing mem­bers of con­gress who vot­ed against the debt increase, and (5) turn­ing her back on those who had helped her become elect­ed and who sup­port­ed her when she came under fire, no longer tak­ing their phone calls. Regard­ing that last point, there was a time before fame struck, when MTG, run­ning in the 6th Dis­trict, actu­al­ly calledme. Obvi­ous­ly, she does not do that any­more, aid­ed by staff mem­bers whose jobs are to com­mu­ni­cate with the pub­lic. But thats OK. I know shes busy. And I nev­er gave her any mon­ey to run on any­way.

Since those moments on-air in July, there has been no rec­on­cil­i­a­tion between MTG and BKP, not that there would have been any­way.

That said, on var­i­ous oth­er issues one might think MTG and BKP would be besties. Day after day, for exam­ple, at the top of every BKP Pol­i­tics pro­gram, seen and heard five days a week on Pritchards web-based Voice of Rur­al Amer­i­cacon­ser­v­a­tive media web­site, the GOP 1st chair declares his three-pronged polit­i­cal phi­los­o­phy that he is a Rea­gan Repub­li­can, a Don­ald Trump sup­port­er, and the 2020 elec­tion was stolen. On that plat­form, MTG and Pritchard would appear to lock arms.

How­ev­er, that BKP sup­ports Trump, and that he con­tin­u­al­ly reminds the Geor­gia Repub­li­can estab­lish­ment, among them Kemp, Raf­fensperg­er and AG Chris Carr, that they have failed to per­form their duties of elect­ed office by (1) cer­ti­fy­ing an obvi­ous­ly fraud­u­lent elec­tion, and by (2) fail­ing to pros­e­cute those respon­si­ble, the GOP 1st Chair has become a tar­get for those on all sides who would like to see him removed from par­ty lead­er­ship. In so doing, Bri­an Pritchard has forged some unlike­ly allies among (1) the Geor­gia Repub­li­can estab­lish­ment, (2) Mar­jorie Tay­lor Green, (3) those Pritchard refers as the cor­po­rate cor­rupt media, but also among (4) sev­er­al oth­er elect­ed Repub­li­can Par­ty offi­cers, notably par­ty chair­man, Josh McK­oon.

As much as McK­oon would like the world to believe he is hap­py with Pritchard, the par­ty chairs liveli­hood is linked inex­tri­ca­bly to Gov­er­nor Bri­an Kemp. McK­oon is Kemps appoint­ed gen­er­al coun­sel for the Tech­ni­cal Col­lege Sys­tem of Geor­gia (TCSG). Strict­ly speak­ing, McK­oons appoint­ment came from TCSG Com­mis­sion­er, Greg Dozi­er. But as I explained in my Novem­ber 6, 2023 Sub­stack enti­tled, Con­flict­ing Inter­ests Steer­ing Par­ty Chair Josh McK­oon’s Actions, Dozi­er is a long­time, trust­ed ally of Gov­er­nor Bri­an Kemp. Because Doziers appoint­ment as com­mis­sion­er remains at the plea­sure of Kemp, Doziers appoint­ments also remain at the plea­sure of Kemp. Thus, par­ty chair­man Josh McK­oon walks a fine line, osten­si­bly sup­port­ing the MAGA move­ment, sup­port­ing the Trump pres­i­den­tial can­di­da­cy, while also sup­port­ing Kemp, who is anti-MAGA, and who we all know turned his back on Trump before, dur­ing and after the 2020 elec­tion, ulti­mate­ly cer­ti­fy­ing what even Kemp termed ques­tion­able elec­tion results moments before sign­ing his name to the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. In that regard, I wrote the fol­low­ing in my April, 2023 Sub­stack enti­tled, No, Gov­er­nor Kemp, Geor­gians Will Nev­er For­get,

moments before sign­ing the cer­ti­fi­ca­tion, despite admit­ting the need of ahand recount, despitesig­nif­i­cant errors known in sev­er­al coun­ties,despitethou­sands of uncount­ed bal­lots found weeks after a razor thin out­come,Bri­an Kemp cer­ti­fied the 2020 elec­tion results any­way and sent it on to Con­gress.

Per­haps you now under­stand the con­flict­ing points of view regard­ing Bri­an Pritchard and all of the above. Pritchards polit­i­cal state­ments have engen­dered an allied rela­tion­ship among Kemp, Raf­fensperg­er, Carr, Green, var­i­ous exec­u­tives of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty, AJC polit­i­cal reporter Greg Bluestein, as well as the entire AJC/Cox Enter­pris­es media net­work, and now, a world­wide net­work com­prised of those Pritchard refers dai­ly as the cor­po­rate cor­rupt media. They all would like to see Bri­an Pritchard gone from his posi­tion as Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty 1st Vice Chair­man. That shows you how impor­tant Geor­gia could be in Novem­ber. And from all indi­ca­tions, at the pre­cise moment Mar­jorie Tay­lor Greene released her tweet play­ing off of the news tweet­ed by Bluestein, an orches­tra­tion of media releas­es against Pritchard hit the Inter­net all around the world, includ­ing the US, Cana­da, the UK, and as far away as Sin­ga­pore. What I report could not have hap­pened with­out col­lab­o­ra­tion and coop­er­a­tion. That is how impor­tant it is to cer­tain peo­ple that Bri­an Pritchard step down as GOP 1st Vice Chair.

So, lets look at one of the Bri­an Pritchard news sto­ries all those media out­lets are report­ing.

Heres a rep­re­sen­ta­tive exam­ple of the report­ing, from as far away as New Jer­sey.

The proof, actu­al­ly addi­tion­al proof, that the world­wide attacks weve seen on Bri­an Pritchard are hok­ie and orches­trat­ed, is the part about the pub­lic rep­ri­mand. Mass mur­der­ers do not receive sen­tences includ­ing the need for a pub­lic rep­ri­mand. Come on, judge, a pub­lic rep­ri­mand? The rep­ri­mand is designed to embar­rass Pritchard and hold him up as an exam­ple of what may hap­pen to oth­ers who con­tin­ue to embar­rass the estab­lish­ment.

So, what is Bri­an Pritchards sto­ry on all this? Pritchard issued a state­ment explain­ing his posi­tion, and which I will paste here:

State­ment from the desk of Bri­an K. Pritchard:

First let me express my appre­ci­a­tion to all that have reached out with words of sup­port and encour­age­ment. To those that have asked for me to resign as First Vice Chair of the Geor­gia Repub­li­can Par­ty. No, I will not resign. I have been very trans­par­ent with the Chair­man and all GA State Par­ty Offi­cers. I have offered mul­ti­ple times to any Dis­trict Chair or Coun­ty Chair to con­tact me direct­ly with any ques­tions.

This is a civ­il judg­ment from an Admin­is­tra­tive Law Judge. Yes, I reg­is­tered to vote and vot­ed. I nev­er once or would I have know­ing­ly vot­ed while serv­ing pro­ba­tion. First the con­vic­tion is from 1996 in the State of Penn­syl­va­nia. In the state of Penn­syl­va­nia the only time you lose the right to vote is if you are incar­cer­at­ed. I NEVER spent one night in jail. So this con­vic­tion did not take my right to vote. I was not aware that I was not able to vote in Geor­gia.

When the Gilmer Coun­ty Elec­tion Office noti­fied me a com­plaint had been filed con­cern­ing me vot­ing while serv­ing pro­ba­tion, I knew this was not true but I went imme­di­ate­ly and had my name removed from the vot­er roll.

I ini­ti­at­ed an inves­ti­ga­tion to find out the facts. I filled out the prop­er paper­work ask­ing the State of Geor­gia Par­don and Paroles to inves­ti­gate my case. They inves­ti­gat­ed my case and restored all my legal rights in Geor­gia. I am attach­ing a copy that shows my case was com­plet­ed in 1999.

For those that con­tin­ue to say a judge found me guilty of ille­gal­ly vot­ing,

(From Peach Pun­dit Jason Shep­herd arti­cle) Judge Bog­gs states in her deci­sion that Pritchard may not have KNOWN, but at least should have known, but the deci­sion was for a civ­il penal­ty, not a crim­i­nal con­vic­tion. So Pritchard is fac­tu­al­ly and legal­ly correct…he has not been found guilty of anything…except that one, small orig­i­nal felony in 1996.

(Geor­gia Law) Any per­son who votes or attempts to vote at any pri­ma­ry or elec­tion, know­ing that such per­son does not pos­sess all the qual­i­fi­ca­tions of an elec­tor at such pri­ma­ry or elec­tion, as required by law, or who votes or attempts to vote at any pri­ma­ry in vio­la­tion of Code Sec­tion 21–2‑223 or who know­ing­ly gives false infor­ma­tion to poll offi­cers in an attempt to vote in any pri­ma­ry or elec­tion shall be guilty of a felony and, upon con­vic­tion there­of, shall be sen­tenced to impris­on­ment for not less than one nor more than ten years or to pay a fine not to exceed $100,000.00, or both ( 21–2‑571 empha­sis added).

I did break the law in 1996 and that is not ok, but since 1996 I may have one speed­ing tick­et. I dont drink adult bev­er­ages, I dont do drugs, I have always held a job and Im a sin­ner saved by grace. If you want to know the details of what hap­pened in 1996 dont hes­i­tate to con­tact me…

God Bless Amer­i­ca, God Bless the State of Geor­gia,

Bri­an K. Pritchard

First Vice Chair of the Geor­gia

I am not writ­ing to defend Bri­an Pritchard. Bri­an Pritchard does not need my help in that regard. I am not writ­ing to attack Majorie Tay­lor Greene. She has done some very good things, but also some not so good things. On the whole, my opin­ion is pos­i­tive.

My point in writ­ing is to help for­mu­late a larg­er pub­lic under­stand­ing of the play­ers in all this, their moti­va­tions, their pow­er and meth­ods, and to show what lengths they will go to destroy some­one who achieves a mod­icum of influ­ence oppos­ing their pur­pos­es.


  1. BKP I lis­ten every morn­ing to your pro­gram in order to learn what is real­ly going on at the gold dome. Thank you for your courage to face the onslaught from the estab­lish­ment Rino’s. MTG has a big mouth.Thank the Lord in heav­en she is not a lawyer.She should be attack­ing Kemp,Raffensburger, and Carr for accept­ing mon­ey from the CCP. They are fas­cists who I hope one day will face pros­e­cu­tion to the fullest extent of the law. Pres­i­dent Trump is the only legit leader of this coun­try. If you need legal defense funds, I much pre­fer to send to you rather than politi­cians who go with the wind. God the Father bless you and your fam­i­ly.

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