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If You Served With Ronna McDaniel, You Got To Go

  • The new­ly elect­ed state com­mit­tee­man in AZ is part of the indict­ed alter­nate elec­tor in AZ. If you served with Rona and served 2 terms with her and vot­ed for her bud­gets you got to go.
  • The RNC has been tak­en over by Trump. We have Michael What­ley as the chair and Lara Trump is the Vice Chair. We are work­ing all across the coun­try to clean out the RNC. At the con­ven­tion rules can be changed. They take votes by the del­e­gates. But when it comes to the plat­form, bud­gets, elec­tion integri­ty the nation­al com­mit­tee where every state has 3 votes in that com­mit­tee and it holds a lot of pow­er with­in the par­ty.
  • Democ­rats have the mon­ey and are going to spend the mon­ey and they are going to try to get your focus back on abor­tion no mat­ter what is going on in this world.
  • Our repub­li­can par­ty has our plat­form and it is sup­posed to give our stan­dards our moral com­pass. We can­not allow this con­ven­tion to alter our plat­form.
  • You are send­ing $60 bil­lion to Ukraine. Kids are protest­ing on col­lege cam­pus­es. The coun­try has tak­en a turn against sup­port­ing israel. Today there are ille­gals that are com­ing across our com­mu­ni­ties with back­packs of unknown con­tents. Our local sher­iff this week­end said that in 2021 every­thing changed for law enforce­ment.

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