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More Political Theater In DC, While China Is Strategically Playing The Worl

  • We will not com­ply. Sarah Huck­abee Sanders signs EO reject­ing Bidens Title 9 changes. Remem­ber how much pres­sure she was under dur­ing the Trump admin­is­tra­tion. Remem­ber the last gov­er­nor that had an amaz­ing record that only served 2 years of her term as gov­er­nor and then came out as VP was Sarah Palin. She needs to fin­ish her term as a gov­er­nor. IT would be dif­fer­ent if she was in her sec­ond term.
  • WI, you need to do your research. The most cor­rupt elec­tion clerk from the biggest city in WI has been fired. She was a key play­er in WI in steal­ing the 2020 elec­tion. Mil­wau­kee elec­tion leader oust­ed 6 months before elec­tion in pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. She may have been involved in the appoint­ment of Joe Biden.
  • Mike John­son should not be speak­er of the house. WE go back to MTG run­ning the floor to round up votes for McCarthys elec­tion as Speak­er. How often do we say that if Don­ald Trump wins the elec­tion we need a repub­li­can House. We have a mess in DC with Repub­li­cans.
  • Sources are say­ing that Trump is telling MTG to shut up.
  • MTG on pause. MTG and John­son to meet again today. Trump has John­son in Mar-a-Lago telling him to fig­ure it out with MTG. appro­pri­a­tion sea­son is over the democ­rats got every­thing they asked for and the debt is going through the roof. MTG vot­ed to give them an unlim­it­ed debt ceil­ing. The Fis­cal Respon­si­bil­i­ty Act was passed on June 3, 2023. The debt was $31T
  • The Biden admin­is­tra­tion bizarrely spins emp­ty office epi­demics as a way to save ener­gy but tax­pay­ers fit­ting a $5B a year bill arent fooled. Dept of Ener­gy Sec Jen­nifer Granholm imple­ment­ed a new rule out­law­ing fed­er­al build­ings from hav­ing on-site fos­sil fuel burn­ing ener­gy sources, say­ing the Biden admin­is­tra­tion is prac­tic­ing what we preach. Sen Joni Ernst (R‑Iowa) has said the move is hyp­o­crit­i­cal because the build­ings are most­ly emp­ty of work­ers and the ply is a way to spend more mon­ey on green ini­tia­tives. We still have build­ings emp­ty. Why would you air con­di­tion an emp­ty build­ing, and peo­ple liv­ing on the street. If we have $5B lying around and we have sick nat­ur­al born cit­i­zens that are liv­ing on the streets because of hard times and we give out mon­ey to air con­di­tion a build­ing and keep the lights on? You cant afford gro­ceries, gas, rent, etc. Repub­li­cans demand Biden bring fed­er­al employ­ees back to in-per­son work because Amer­i­can small busi­ness own­ers dont have the lux­u­ry to work from home and slam SBA for wast­ing $42M tax­pay­er dol­lars on a near­ly emp­ty build­ing. The Small Busi­ness Admin­is­tra­tion head­quar­ters is oper­at­ing at 10% of capac­i­ty as many fed­er­al work­ers enjoy lav­ish tele­work poli­cies. House Com­mit­tee on Small Busi­ness chair Roger Williams sent a let­ter to the SBAs chief to find out why the agency is request­ing $42M for rent when the office remains dor­mant.
  • Israel press­es attack on Rafah as it nego­ti­ates a pos­si­ble cease-fire deal. The CIA is involved, what could go wrong. Hamas has accept­ed the deal, because they have noth­ing to lose. They dont have any hostages. Phase 3 of this plan is to recon­struct Gaza. The CIA direc­tor con­sult­ed on changes to a US Israel pro­pos­al, which Hamas has embraced, offi­cials say. The new ver­sion keeps a key phrase: the even­tu­al enact­ment of a sus­tain­able calm On of the offi­cials said that Hamas viewed the term as an end to the war. The offi­cials said that Israels prime min­is­ter Netanyahu, was expect­ed to push back against that def­i­n­i­tion.
  • The Krem­lin announces nuclear weapons drill in warn­ing to Ukraines allies. The drills are in response to provoca­tive state­ments and threats of cer­tain West­ern offi­cials regard­ing the Russ­ian Fed­er­a­tion: the Defence Min­istry said in a state­ment Mon­day. The exer­cise is intend­ed to increase the readi­ness of non-strate­gic nuclear forces to ful­fill com­bat tasks. And will be held on Pres­i­dent Vladimir PUtins orders.
  • Chi­nese Pres­i­dent Xi meets Macron aid­ed by top par­ty and min­is­te­r­i­al offi­cials.
  • Rus­sia issues mil­i­tary ulti­ma­tum to UK. Moscow has threat­ened retal­i­a­tion for any attacks with British weapons. The US and its allies had pre­vi­ous­ly qual­i­fied their deliv­er­ies of long-range weapons to Kiev by say­ing they could only be used on ter­ri­to­ries that Ukraine claims as its own. Crimea, the Peo­ples Republics of Donet­sk and Lugan­sk and Kher­son and Zaporozhye Regions.
  • Xi refus­es to back Zelen­skys uni­lat­er­al peace con­fer­ence. Any talks should be rec­og­nized by both Rus­sia and Ukraine. Chi­na has long urged peace talks between Ukraine and Rus­sia and issued a 12-point peace plan to end the hos­til­i­ties one year into the con­flict in Feb 2023. Xi with the EU where they make the deci­sions in Brus­sels.
  • Putin get­ting inau­gu­rat­ed.
  • EU and Xi is going to talk about EV
  • Anti-Israel mob torch­es the Amer­i­can flag and sprays graf­fi­ti on the WW1 memo­r­i­al in Cen­tral Park.
  • Pay atten­tion: Four Chi­nese coast guard ships enter Tai­wans ter­ri­to­r­i­al waters off Kin­men. The high-speed nav­i­ga­tion by Chi­nese coast guard ves­sels in these waters has severe­ly dis­rupt­ed cross-strait peace and sta­bil­i­ty, affect­ing mar­itime safe­ty and traf­fic order, the Tai­wan Coast Guard says.
  • Mil­i­tary con­ducts med­ical resilience exer­cis­es in south­ern Tai­wan. Civil­ian mil­i­tary units sim­u­late mass casu­al­ty events amid fire­fights in Ping­tung.
  • That is around the world, as Joe Biden has us going into WW3
  • You know how BKP feels about Crick­et and the goat, but this is a mind con­trol thing. They wont let it go. The AJC has start­ed a dog of the day. Peo­ple love a dog.

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