Home / Georgia / Remember They Push The 2020 On Us: COVID and Election

Remember They Push The 2020 On Us: COVID and Election

    • David Beck­er was on Face the Nation this week­end.
    • Brad Raf­fensperg­er was in a spe­cial ses­sion to meet the press. There was a 4 SOS pan­el, AZ MI PA and GA, a spe­cial on cer­ti­fy­ing elec­tions, sav­ing democ­ra­cy.
    • Today is the clos­ing argu­ment tri­al after the events in the porn star case. Biden to address Trump ver­dict. we may have a ver­dict by Fri­day.
    • Trump went to nascar.
    • mem­o­ry lane from 2020. remem­ber­ing the lie. Coro­n­avirus pan­dem­ic right before super tues­day. We remem­ber when Trump went to the UN to tell them we would not be glob­al­ists. Remem­ber, Biden at this time is not win­ning.
    • remem­ber the GA run off and we had Gabe Ster­ling at the podi­um. Gabe is the imple­men­ta­tion man­ag­er for domin­ion, he is still there today. He is the sub­con­trac­tor to domin­ion vot­ing sys­tems, stand­ing behind the GA seal. At this time we already have proof that the elec­tion was stolen in Ful­ton co.
    • Now they want to make sure you accept the results of 2024. lis­ten for the drum beat right now as we are going into the sum­mer and get­ting very close to Sep­tem­ber ear­ly vot­ing.
    • They are push­ing to see if you will accept 2024. Scara­muc­ci will work with Biden to keep Trump out. just like Dun­can.
    • remem­ber this. they push a result, their result. they pushed the most secure elec­tion in our life­time. they pushed that one us at the same time they were telling you that Trump did­n’t want to open amer­i­ca. Remem­ber Trump say­ing he want­ed to open up before east­er. Every­thing was set up against Trump and the Amer­i­can peo­ple to accept 2020. don’t for­get brad Raf­fensperg­er and bri­an kemp cer­ti­fied a fraud­u­lent elec­tion. We lost 2 sen­a­tors and a pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. and joe biden, accord­ing to them, won in a base­ment.
  • https://rumble.com/embed/v4vj1wz/?pub=j6waf

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