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The Down Ballot Races Are Taking Back America

  • They don’t want you to hear about the down bal­lot races, to take back Amer­i­ca we have to take back our state, schools and coun­ty. The down bal­lot races are telling the sto­ry about the mood of the coun­try. What we will be told is that the upsets are com­ing from ruby red areas. Even in the it could nev­er hap­pen here land, what you are look­ing at this morn­ing is rur­al amer­i­ca, patri­ot­ic amer­i­ca is stand­ing up and say­ing no more. Rur­al votes will come out like you have nev­er seen in record num­bers. Then you will see the cities come out in droves because they have had enough.
  • Port­land kicks out woke Soros backed DA and elect tough on crime rival after mur­ders soared and down­towned died.
  • Amer­i­ca has val­ues. And it will be restored. The peo­ple are say­ing enough is enough.

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