Home / Georgia / The GA GOP Inc Is All About 2026, Not Electing Trump As President In 2024

The GA GOP Inc Is All About 2026, Not Electing Trump As President In 2024

  • The GA GOP Inc is all about 2026, not elect­ing Trump as pres­i­dent in 2024.
  • The GA GOP will go broke. The GA GOP has zero to do with Trump get­ting elect­ed or not.
  • Inter­nal feuds flare ahead of GA GOP annu­al con­ven­tion, report­ed by the AJC. The AJC ran the first arti­cle back in April which start­ed the cam­paign to remove BKP. Why do repub­li­cans allow the AJC to splin­ter the par­ty? The AJC is work­ing to help Biden get elect­ed. The grass­roots did a great job with tak­ing over the coun­ty GOP. What is next is the state com­mit­tee. The Cobb Co chair claims to be MAGA but did­nt replace the estab­lish­ment in the state com­mit­tee. Kemp has stayed clear of the GA GOP, they are not inter­est­ed in the par­ty. They want to shut down the par­ty. They are try­ing to sep­a­rate the grass­roots, they have to be out of the way.
  • The GA GOP hired a court reporter, video cam­eras set up, and hired secu­ri­ty. WE had the tri­al and after that the state com­mit­tee had an hour to delib­er­ate. We had state com­mit­tee mem­bers go to the bar order drinks and head­ed back into the meet­ing. It took 2 hours to check in 112 mem­bers. After an hour of delib­er­a­tion there is a vote, after the vote as BKP is walk­ing to the door, the secu­ri­ty is right behind him escort­ing him out. AFter the meet­ing, Bill Quinn is out­side the fence line and the secu­ri­ty comes out and tells BKP to leave the prop­er­ty and go across the street, the own­er does­nt want BKP on the prop­er­ty. Spec­u­lat­ing the own­er is Josh McK­oon because he is pres­i­dent of the fra­ter­nal order of eagles. They were not going to let BKP get his car.
  • McK­oon wants to release the video and tran­script of the meet­ing. The state com­mit­tee does­nt run the GA GOP, Josh McK­oon makes all the deci­sions. They used 5 hours to vote out BKP instead of con­duct­ing busi­ness. There were over 2k del­e­gates at the last GOP con­ven­tion and elect­ed BKP as first vice chair. 170 par­tic­i­pat­ed in remov­ing BKP and 32 will replace BKP.
  • It is vot­ed on in the meet­ing to be in exec­u­tive ses­sion, they have already bro­ken the exec­u­tive ses­sion, there are pic­tures and screen­shots. Who gets the tran­script and the video record­ing? The GA GOP is try­ing to hurt BKPs open case. Dont for­get this is about elec­tion integri­ty. There is no way you should be able to cre­ate an ene­mies list. Every click­er has your name on it and it is in the com­put­er pro­gram. They know how you vot­ed. There was a motion to use hand marked bal­lots and it was turned down. The guy run­ning the com­put­er and the click­er Brant Frost is run­ning it, Next to him is Richie Stone, and next to him is Travis Bowen who had six votes. The room was told if you vote on your click­er and you want to see it you can come up to the com­put­er to see your vote. It was clar­i­fied that there were no pic­tures of the vote. If the vote would have been pri­vate and an ene­mies list released. There may have been a vote to keep BKP if they would not have retal­i­at­ed against. This was all an intim­i­da­tion fac­tor. The screen­shot of the peo­ple that vot­ed for BKP was made pub­lic. The State com­mit­tee had not vot­ed to release any­thing. Under the cir­cle of exec­u­tive ses­sion there are pic­tures and votes are being cir­cu­lat­ed. The whole thing was set up to stay in the meet­ing and not go to the AJC. Josh McK­oon is try­ing to help Chris Carr and Brad Raf­fensperg­er in the open case against BKP.
  • Shawn Cross is run­ning for the RNC Com­mit­tee­woman. BKP is vot­ing for her. WE dont want some­one to use the posi­tion to use it for polit­i­cal gain.
  • You will see all the endorse­ments that Jason­Thomp­son has, but he has to go.
  • The RNC will run some mon­ey into the GA GOP Inc for the 2024 elec­tion. They will lead you to believe all is good with the par­ty. After 2024, what rea­son is there for a GA GOP Inc to exist? They dont need it, they just need bal­lot access. There is arti­cle after arti­cle that Bri­an Kemp does­nt need the par­ty in the cur­rent form. Once the par­ty is bro­ken some­one could come in and buy it at a fire sale. then some­one could swoop in and call it a par­ty to get bal­lot access. If the chair­man leaves the par­ty and the posi­tion, the first vice chair moves into the spot. Maybe Josh will remove him­self to start the new job. Rumor is that every­one is promised all these jobs.
  • For some Kan­diss Tay­lor does­nt seem like the same Kan­diss Tay­lor. Bud­dy Carter, GA 1st Dis­trict, a lot of peo­ple are talk­ing about him retir­ing and it will be open in 2026. And Kan­diss Tay­lor is going to run for the spot. You will see this bloom after 2024.
  • Joe Biden is recruit­ing Sen Warnock to get the black vote in Atlanta.
  • Peo­ple walk­ing out of Jer­ry Sein­feld’s speech at Duke as an Anti-Israel protest.
  • Geor­gia rev­enue col­lec­tions down again, $341 mil­lion for the fis­cal year.

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