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2016 Is Serious Election Interference, 2020 Is Election Denialism

  • Our cities are in despair. San Fran busi­ness hub is desert­ed. What is hap­pen­ing in the inner city we will find out what is hap­pen­ing in the 46–46 vot­ers
  • When did Dr. Phil real­ly get into pol­i­tics? He asks Biden to dis­miss Trumps hush mon­ey con­vic­tion as he blasts the weaponiza­tion of the DOJ and FBI in a furi­ous mono­logue say­ing that he fears Putin poi­son­ing poss­es will be next. Will they kill Trump? Dr. Phil will be going to Mar-a-Lago to inter­view Trump. Recent­ly Dr Phil has been look­ing at what is going on in the pedo ring. He has watched what they have done to our kids, the dam­age that will take years to fix. Just yelling at Fau­ci for a cou­ple of TV clips will not help.
  • It is seri­ous and not to be tak­en light­ly: pay atten­tion to words. Alter­ing the 2016 elec­tion. Remem­ber every­thing you bring up, you have elec­tion denial­ism, and it was a mirage, it did­nt hap­pen. But 2016 is very seri­ous. They see 2016 in the 2024 mir­ror. They have 34 felony counts from the 2016 seri­ous elec­tion.
  • The demo­c­ra­t­ic con­ven­tion in 2016. Debra Wesser­man Schultz was the DNC chair. And she resigns the night before the con­ven­tion. Wik­iLeaks releas­es the emails say­ing that the DNC is sup­port­ing Hilary Clin­ton. They imme­di­ate­ly came out to say that Wik­iLeaks was Rus­sia. The con­ven­tion was July
  • Seth Rich was mur­dered on July 10, 2016 in DC. he died after being the shoot­er and was nev­er found. Rod Wheel­er was look­ing into the inves­ti­ga­tion as a jour­nal­ist. The DNC told him to stop look­ing into it now Rod Wheel­er owns an Ace Hard­ware in Dal­las. The lap­top was nev­er found. Seth Rich was a DNC staffer and had access to dig­i­tal files. did he have the infor­ma­tion on him. sources say that Seth Rich was a Bernie Sanders sup­port­er and released the emails from Deb­bie about Hillary Clin­ton.
  • not again: Russ­ian pro­pa­gan­da push expect­ed in Chica­go for Demo­c­ra­t­ic nation­al con­ven­tion.
  • you will hear over and over again that Putin likes Trump and Putin leaked the Wik­ileaks emails and it ben­e­fit­ed Trump.
  • Do you see the mir­ror? It seems Like just yes­ter­day Seth Rich was killed and Deb­bie had to resign… now Rus­sia is flood­ing Europe with dis­in­for­ma­tion the US elec­tions are next. Democ­rats are brac­ing for mas­sive protests at con­ven­tion. They are going to run the nar­ra­tive, the cor­po­rate cor­rupt media does­n’t have the con­trol they had in 2016. This is Deep State stuff.
  • Con­ven­tion repub­li­cans July 15, con­ven­tion democ­rats in August. out­pour­ing of mov­ing the repub­li­can con­ven­tion, not going to hap­pen. the out­pour­ing of Biden accept­ed the nom­i­na­tion vir­tu­al­ly.
  • Deb­bie Wasser­man Schultz threat­ens capi­tol police over IT staffer inves­ti­ga­tion. She threat­ens the capi­tol police to return the com­put­er from the Awan broth­ers. She was in email cahoots with the Hillary Clin­ton cam­paign. We know the DNC was fund­ing the Steele dossier.
  • Trump talks about declas­si­fy­ing 911, epstein files. Trump was­n’t not sup­pose to win in 2016. UK rul­ing on Assange extra­di­tion resets the game and what hap­pens next.
  • The deep state is try­ing to say Putin is going to win a medal in our elec­tion. if you think the first time caught them off guard with Trump win­ning and the next time are they going to kill him? You bet­ter be pre­pared and be ready for what is com­ing down the pipeline. WE need Assange brought home and pro­tect­ed from the deep state.

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