Home / National / Are Democrats In The Position To Never Need Alternate Electors?

Are Democrats In The Position To Never Need Alternate Electors?

  • What if Trump gets elect­ed and he pros­e­cutes them? When was the last time we got a win? There are sound clips out there but when has a hear­ing been a win for us.
  • We have June 27, the debate, July 11, the sen­tenc­ing will Trump go to jail, July 15, the RNC con­ven­tion the day Trump is sup­posed to receive the nom­i­na­tion at the con­ven­tion.
  • Ques­tions: What is Nik­ki Haley doing? Why is Kemp going to the con­ven­tion? Who is work­ing behind the scenes on the bub­ble vote (8%)? Who is con­cerned?
  • We won in 2016, they say you lost in 2020, now we are going into 2024. There are 5 states that have “fake” elec­tor cas­es, GA (3), MI, NV, AZ, WI. They call them the fake elec­tors, but go look up the Hawaii case in the Nixon Kennedy elec­tion. When the elec­tion is close that is a date the elec­tors meet, it is all in a sequence for Jan 6 when the elec­toral col­lege is con­firmed. and if you have a legal chal­lenge to an elec­tion and if you over­turn the result then your elec­tors have to be in place oth­er­wise if you win the chal­lenge and the elec­tors are not in place it will be use­less. So all the chal­lenges to the 2020 elec­tion these elec­tors are in place for the legal chal­lenges to the 2020 elec­tion. AZ is once more a 10K vote state, if you believe that the first time, and you end up with chal­lenges and you have to put your elec­tors togeth­er for the chal­lenge legal­ly. Would you do it? know­ing they will finan­cial­ly destroy you.
  • There are SOS and gov­er­nors in place that will not cer­ti­fy an elec­tion if Trump wins. The WI gov­er­nor will not accept the elec­tion if Trump wins.
  • we don’t want to over­turn the results, we just want to know the results.
  • What if Democ­rats have to use alter­nate elec­tors. right now the democ­rats are going after them as though they nev­er have to use this sys­tem. Why would you do this if may Trump wins by 10K votes and democ­rats have to chal­lenge it in court. would they just do it to say they did it the legal way? all of the deep state media has no prob­lem just gloss­ing over any­thing and just mov­ing on. They have no prob­lem ignor­ing and mov­ing on.
  • Are they in the posi­tion that they don’t have a need to ever use the alter­nate elec­tors?
  • Scott McAfee was the IG of the state of GA, and when he was ready for the next move on the inves­ti­ga­tion of the 2020 elec­tion. Kemp swoops in to move him to supe­ri­or court in Ful­ton coun­ty. kemp did you know that Fani was going to bring the rack­e­teer­ing case in Ful­ton coun­ty. McAfee gets the Nathan Wade case. McAfee dis­missed Wade but not Fani. McAfee just went through a pri­ma­ry elec­tion and held a fundrais­er and took a pic­ture with Roy Barnes (last demo­c­rat gov­er­nor) and Bri­an Kemp. McAfee gives the approval to move the case to the appeals court. the appeal pan­el on Octo­ber 4th. they don’t look at the case again, they only review McAfee’s con­clu­sion. judges don’t over­turn a judge’s con­clu­sion. it is pos­si­ble but not like­ly. if they over­turn the case, they will say that it is elec­tion inter­fer­ence. don’t get all excit­ed about Octo­ber. The only thing they would be doing if they dis­missed Fani is tak­ing her off the case. On Oct 4 ear­ly vot­ing is ready to start, the Ful­ton coun­ty DA race, repub­li­can court­ney cramer is all hell will get ripped wide open that the elec­tion was altered against Fani willis.
  • when Mer­rick Gar­land is say­ing that he will not be intim­i­dat­ed. Matthew Colan­ge­lo is the 3rd rank under Gar­land to leave the DOJ and takes a posi­tion in the Man­hat­tan DA office to pros­e­cute Trump.

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