Home / Georgia / Pretending To Be MAGA In GA, Rats and Snakes Are Alive And Well In GA

Pretending To Be MAGA In GA, Rats and Snakes Are Alive And Well In GA

  • When Putin was in North Korea, do you think they talked about throw­ing shit on South Korea? 350+ more waste bal­loons sent by North Korea to South Korea.
  • The rats and ser­pents around Trump are unbe­liev­able. Why is GA not off the table? New AJC pres­i­den­tial poll under­scores Bidens chal­lenge in GA. if you hold the GA GOP Inc, and every con­sti­tu­tion­al office, and major­i­ty in the House and Sen­ate, why cant you hit the body blow. Why is the Biden cam­paign sched­ul­ing a blitz of small scale events in GA and FL is no longer in play. The rea­son why GA is still in play is Kemp, Raf­fensperg­er, Carr, Kel­ly Loef­fler (who is play­ing MAGA), Jason Thomp­son (who is play­ing MAGA). You can pre­tend to be MAGA all day long and just move along while get­ting checks from the Sec­re­tary of State’s office.
  • Why is GA in play? Barnes (D, lawyer, friend of Fani Willis, took side by side pic­ture with Kemp at Judge McAfee fundrais­er) and Nathan Deal lead bipar­ti­san ini­tia­tive to fight elec­tion fraud in Ga.
  • SCOTUS to hear case on gen­der affirm­ing care for trans youth. Like­ly to be heard around Novem­ber.
  • Joce­lyn, 12, was raped and killed in Hous­ton by 2 ille­gals.

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