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The Deep State Is Trying To Suppress Our Voice And Our Vote

  • They are try­ing to sup­press our voice and our vote.
  • They have decer­ti­fied the select j6 com­mit­tee. But there is a court order and unless the court order is over­turned then Ban­non will go to jail. When you hear the court order is over­turned until that it is all noise. They want him off the air until after the elec­tion.
  • They want to lead you to believe that these 3 men are the top choic­es for Trump. (Rubio, Bur­gum, Vance) And Trump has said that the VP will be in the room. These are men. Will abor­tion play a role in this elec­tion?
  • We have a leak from SCOTUS on the emer­gency abor­tion. ID passed a no abor­tion law and only in emer­gency sit­u­a­tions and the life of the moth­er could the abor­tion hap­pen. The law says that the emer­gency room has the deci­sion and the state would get out of the way.
  • The dobbs deci­sion was 2 years ago this week. But we have told you that abor­tion will play into the elec­tion. They will attempt to make every­thing about abor­tion.
  • The Trump team moves behind the scenes to shift the GOP plat­form on abor­tion and mar­riage. We told you April 10, 2023 that the RNC will have to rewrite the nation­al plat­form on abor­tion. The RNC com­mit­tee to set the nation­al plat­form con­sists of 1 man and 1 woman from each state and ter­ri­to­ry.
  • They are sig­nal­ly Rubio. We will char­lie brown them and pull that foot­ball once again. They want you to believe they are in fear of Mar­co Rubio. 952
  • BKP VP has to be a per­son that can fol­low through with not just end­ing the deep state but destroy­ing the deep state. VP pick of choice is Tuck­er Carl­son.
  • There is very lit­tle dis­cus­sion on Julian Assange being back in Aus­tralia and the Biden admin­is­tra­tion made a deal. There is some­thing here. Guess who else is in Aus­tralia, Tuck­er Carl­son. Tuck­er takes on the phar­ma and CIA open­ly.
  • The dials are work­ing amaz­ing­ly. They have Biden dialed in and his respons­es are spot on. We have not seen Biden go into Camp David. Oba­mas team has been in and out of Camp David.
  • Every­thing is on the table, all the con­spir­a­cies are on the table. You wont see him leave, he has sim­u­lat­ed all week.
  • They have it all set up. Notice abor­tion is on the top. Bat­tle­ground Geor­gia
  • We have to bat­tle what the deep state has planned. Tag every lib­er­al you can find. The nation­al media is out for GA. We need to show that GA is for Trump despite Kemp com­ing out say­ing that he did not vote for Trump.

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