Home / Georgia / Trump wants Unity, Biden wants War

Trump wants Unity, Biden wants War

  • Chi­na is not con­cerned about the tar­iffs in our coun­try because they are using the trade agree­ment with Mex­i­co with­out any tar­iffs attached.
  • The inter­est rates might have a cut this year. There isnt any move­ment at all in the CPI. The Uk has total­ly stalled. The job cre­ation is not true, it is altered. They know job num­bers are strong because of the num­ber of peo­ple that have 2–3 jobs. This infla­tion is over and above the man­ic rate of 2%. It was 1.6 with Don­ald Trump. There is no reduc­tion in infla­tion. It is still going up.
  • Don­ald Trump is going to DC today. They are all con­cerned today. Trump is seek­ing uni­ty to meet with GOP law­mak­ers. They are get­ting on the same page. McCarthy is not on the same page. Rumor is that Kevin may be chief of staff, thats scary. While democ­rats are run­ning for Joe Biden.
  • Dont for­get in 2010 the upris­ing in the tea par­ty and the record num­ber of wins for repub­li­cans. And what did we get, John Bohn­er? We need to make changes. It was then hand­ed to Paul Ryan, his omnibus and spend­ing was not con­ser­v­a­tive. They talked about Trump spend­ing but that was Paul Ryan and Nan­cy Pelosi. What have we accom­plished as far as putting peo­ple in jail? Clos­ing the bor­der. Stop­ping the spend­ing. Paul Ryan is back­ing Kevin McCarthy and McCarthy is going on the revenge. We do not get behind our can­di­dates when the peo­ple choose the can­di­dates. It hap­pens all the time. They want to get behind the can­di­date they choose. If you choose a can­di­date they dont sup­port, they destroy them.
  • You can­not be MAGA and Kemp do not mix. McK­oon has said that he will not do any­thing to hurt his rela­tion­ship with Kemp. McK­oon worked very hard to remove BKP. The del­e­gates elect the state offi­cers. He does not have respect for the del­e­gates. Will also tell you that the state com­mit­tee is the gov­ern­ing body of the par­ty. That is not true, he does­nt have any respect for the state com­mit­tee. The del­e­gates elect­ed Amy Kre­mer as the state com­mit­tee­woman. Has Josh McK­oon acknowl­edged Amy and the win. Gin­ger lost the elec­tion, you call and con­grat­u­late the win­ner. McK­oon and Gin­ger wont accept the results of the elec­tion. That would be the uni­fy­ing thing to do. Any has been denied the oppor­tu­ni­ty to be a del­e­gate. McK­oon will not allow any­one to be a del­e­gate to the con­ven­tion so when Kemp goes into the room for a warm recep­tion. McK­oon has hand­picked the room.
  • At the last state com­mit­tee meet­ing there was a let­ter that was unan­i­mous­ly approved to send to Kemp, RAFFENSPERGER and Carr to call out irreg­u­lar­i­ties in Ful­ton Coun­ty. It has been a month since the approval.
  • The CIA was involved in tak­ing Nixon down.
  • Remem­ber we start­ed talk­ing about Nvidia. It was above Apple and about to take over Microsoft. In Amer­i­ca we dont fight in a war for free­dom, we fight for the war­mon­gers and their bot­tom line of prof­it, resources and cor­po­ra­tion. If you think that Chi­na is going to let this wealthy com­pa­ny go who holds wealthy intel­li­gence. The Nvidia CEO made a com­ment about Tai­wan being a coun­try. Chi­na is telling the CEO to look up his his­to­ry. Biden says that he will defend Tai­wan mil­i­tar­i­ly for the fifth time. Rus­sia has nuke subs in Cuba. Chi­na is build­ing bases in South Amer­i­ca. Our bor­der is open. We dont know when they will flip a switch and attack inside Amer­i­ca. Some­thing is hap­pen­ing.
  • Kemp is going to South Korea. South Korea basi­cal­ly owns Geor­gia. Then he is going to the con­ven­tion.

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