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All Around the world we are living in Revolutionary Times

  • Steven Ban­non is head­ed to prison this morn­ing.
  • We dont want Joe to leave. They were try­ing to recre­ate a sched­ule to get 9pm to be like 3pm on Joes sched­ule. They have known all along that Joe cant func­tion. Post debate runs. CNN run­ning Joes fact checks. Jill Biden is evil and Jill Biden is guilty of elder abuse. The fam­i­ly got togeth­er and decid­ed that they dont want Joe to get out of the race because they dont want to go to jail. They dont want the gravy train to end.
  • As soon as the mon­ey dries up from the donors on the democ­rats side. We talked last week about the down bal­lot races and they dont want Joe to show up. They will dis­tance them­selves from Joe Biden. In North Car­oli­na, there would have been a call for every­one to get to NC if they sup­port­ed the tick­et. How many dropped every­thing to stand behind Joe Biden on Fri­day. They have come out in the last day or so to give some luke­warm sup­port. They were hope­ful that the State of Union would get you to believe that his age and cog­ni­tive func­tion was there for him to run as pres­i­dent. Now it is down to 27%. They are run­ning on all the net­works, Should biden run as pres­i­dent 72%. Polling dis­as­ter is com­ing. Donors are send­ing out mes­sages that are sur­fac­ing say­ing it is time to pass the torch. Keep this in mind Biden promised democ­rats he would only serve 1 term. 5-% of democ­rats want him to move along. They do not know what they are. They have cre­at­ed a divi­sion in the par­ty.
  • Trump said this the oth­er night, remem­ber the oth­er night at the debate. Rus­sia watched our with­draw­al from afghanistan. The Unit­ed States armed forces com­plet­ed their with­draw­al from Afghanistan on August 30, 2021. There wer­ent any con­se­quences on the dis­as­ter with­draw­al. 13 coffins came home from the dis­as­ter. No one was fired. Putin watched this and that is why on 24 Feb 2022. The only rea­son Rus­sia wait­ed is because Chi­na said to wait. Your media has been com­plic­it in hid­ing the truth about the dan­gers that are around you. Putin watched and Trump was 100% cor­rect the oth­er night. Pre­pare your­self to have these con­ver­sa­tions with peo­ple that are still try­ing to make up their mind.
  • We have mil­lions that have crossed this bor­der. Trump told the truth about the bor­der and the mil­lions get­ting in. It is not the 129 days that we have an elec­tion. We have to get to Jan 20 next year. With ter­ror­ists on our soil and the ter­ror­ist-attack red light is flash­ing again.

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